What You Missed🪐1

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"What did I miss?"


What You Missed - 1


Othanian Translations

Kif - Ass

Ursbi - Term of endearment from parents to children

Vaureh - Mix of the words Vau (child) and cioreh (brother), made by (Y/n) to describe their relationship with Anakin

'jes - Meaning 'small', can be added to words as either an insult or term of endearment (depends on context)

Mando'a Translations

vod/vode - Brother/Brothers

Vode - Refers to the clones as a whole

Vode Kedin - High command of the Vode, hold the highest authority (lit. brother chain of command)

Kote - Glory, Cody's Mando'a name (received from Jango Fett himself)

Vode'alor - Leader of the Vode, Cody's title

Cu'Morut - Refers to the clones saved from decommissioning (combines Cuyan = saved and Morut = safe)

Morutar - Welcome

dar'Vode - No longer a brother, exiled from the Vode

Mandokarla - having the *right stuff*, showing guts and spirit, the state of being the epitome of Mando virtue


Duel of the Droids

You didn't hear that Anakin lost R2 directly from him, but rather from a group chat with the command Vode that you had at some point been added to. When exactly this happened you weren't sure, but all you knew was that the Vode loved gossip as much as those in the Temple and you weren't going to pass that up.

Spilling Shig

NaturalBlonde: General Skywalker lost his astromech, if I hear anyone from any battalion making a joke about how sad he is I'm going to kill you

Werewolf: Why, tired of his moping?

NaturalBlonde: YES! I know he was attached to the droid but I feel like he's going to do something stupid to get it back

MrSecura: Yeah that sucks, but who changed my name?

Glory: It's not wrong.

(MrSecura has changed Glory's name to CodyWan)

CodyWan: I hate you so much

HereforSomeReason: I see I have some competition

CodyWan: Vod you know it's not like that

HereforSomeReason: Oh I know it's platonic but that doesn't mean I can't make fun of you for it

BodyofWater: Just logged on, didn't Skywalker destroy a droid control ship with his astromech or something?

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