Special Chapter🪐Blank Pages

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"That's the thing about books. They let you travel without your feet."


Special Chapter - Blank Pages


Othanian Translations

Nersh - fuck

Gyjo - Mix of "ejo" and "gysk", gender-neutral term for parent

Kanez - Elite, the main team (Y/n) works with during the 377th

Mando'a Translations

Meg ni gar - Who are you?

Kyr'tsad - Death Watch

Haat Mando'ade - True Mandalorians

Jetti - Jedi

Dar'jetti - Dark Jedi/Sith

Pirunir sur'haaise - make their eyes water (slang for kill, injure or defeat)

Pare! Ni nu aru'e - Wait! I'm not an enemy

Lek, nayc ni genet - Yes, no, I'm gray

Aliit - Family

Alor - Sir, can be used as a shortened version of Mand'alor

Ade - Children

Buir - Parent


When the Council ordered you to go retrieve an ancient Jedi artifact from an abandoned temple in the hopes of keeping it out of Sith hands, you were ecstatic. You used to go on missions like that all the time with your master to explore forgotten facets of the Force and remain isolated while you practiced what the temple taught.

When the war started, your normal missions shifted from site exploration and delicate diplomatic missions to protecting planets from invasion. The chance to explore and learn ancient history again was a welcome reprieve from the normal action of your life.

"Considering this isn't a Sith temple, there shouldn't be any traps to worry about," you called back to the Kanez, who were following you at a sedate pace. Drifter had insisted on you going with an escort, and despite knowing you could take care of yourself, you wouldn't pass up the chance to spend more time with your men.

"This might be the easiest mission we've ever been on," Burner called back up.

"Don't jinx it," Screech smacked the back of Burner's helmet, nearly sending him to the ground, "The last thing I want is to end up running from some ancient curse because you couldn't keep your trap shut."

"Surprised you're the one telling him to keep quiet, Screech. Considering your track record and all," Paints teased, earning a smack on the arm in return.

Pushing open the heavy wooden doors with the Force, stepping into the temple felt like entering a new world. The bright, airy nature of the Coruscant temple paled in comparison to the entrance hall of this place. Nature had taken over, but instead of damaging the structure, the two seemed to be working in harmony. Plants lined the area, with native creatures happily roaming. Vines sprouting with types of flowers you knew Screech would love to take notes on.

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