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Mikasa and Armin were driving home. It was peaceful. They knew Eren would be home because he gets off work a lot earlier then the other two. They just hope he didn't do all the housework by himself. They were almost to their park spot when they noticed a police car. They got a bit worried and looked at each other. Armin quickly parked the car in their spot and they ran to their apartment.

They walked in, seeing Eren sitting on the couch with an officer sitting next to him and another standing not to far. The three looked at them. Erens eyes widened just a little bit.

"Hey guys..." Eren said softly.

"What's going on?" Mikasa asked, concern very clear.

"I'm assuming you are Mikasa Ackerman and Armin Arlert?" The officer sitting next to Eren asked. They both nodded. The officer stood up and nudged toward where he was sitting, "Please sit down. We have a lot to discuss."

"Discuss what?" Armin asked as they went to sit down.

"Today we got a call from H.Z. Co. that there was alleged abuse from a while ago and Eren here was only know speaking up about it. We just have some questions to ask about it as we've heard the involvement with you two. I ask you take your time to talk about it so we can get all the details we need." The other officer explained.

Both Armin and Mikasas eyes widened. They looked over to Eren who had his head down. They sighed and nodded at the officers.

"You are all domestic partners right?" The first officer asked.

"Yes we are." Mikasa answered, hugging Eren a little.

They continued with questioning until the officers finally left. The three sat in silence for a moment. Mikasa sighed and turned to Eren. He hadn't looked at either of them since they walked in. He didn't know why either, he just couldn't look at them for some reason.

"What happened at work?" Mikasa asked softly.

Eren stayed silent for a second, before sighing and speaking up, "Someone overheard a conversation I had with Levi. They heard me talking about how he's hurt me before and that i had scars to prove it. They ended up spilling it to Ymir and she almost beat the living shit out Levi. I didn't know because i had left before all the commotion to get the car. But that's why Hanji was acting so weird this morning. She took me inside and asked me to take off my shirt. Once she confirmed that i indeed had scars, she confirmed it with Ymir, Historia, Sasha and Connie. Ymir ended up going on a rampage and she pummeled Levi. It took so many people to take her off him. After we got her calmed down, Hanji took me somewhere and i told her everything. From where it all started to today. I told her everything about Levi and Jean and A- Annie." Eren started crying again. Mikasa brought him close while Armin just listened carefully. "Hanji called the cops and the rest just happened so fast. i was just answering blindly. I felt numb but at the same time amazing because i'm finally never going to see him again and be reminded of everything." Eren finished.

"Oh damn..." Mikasa whispered.

"You had quite the day.." Armin said, brushing some hair out of his face. Eren nodded with a pout as tears started coming to his eyes.

"Hey hey.. Why don't we order some take out and watch movies, just get our mind off of everything for a while, yeah?" Mikasa asked and Eren nodded again, this time looking at her with his cute little pout.

"What takeout do you want baby?" Armin asked, getting his phone out to start ordering.

"Mcdonald's..." Eren sniffed. Armin smiled and ruffled his hair. He started ordering while Mikasa cuddled with Eren to calm him down more.

After they got their order placed, they all cuddled together and put on a movie while waiting for it to be delivered. After a while, Armin got a text from their deliverer that he was having trouble finding their apartment. Eren giggled and Armin got up to go find the poor guy.

Once Armin returned, they set out all the food and started eating. They had some small talk in the midst of it but other then that, nothing happened. They still had the movie playing which Eren was infatuated by. He watched contently and ate until he ran out of food. Eventually, the movie ended. He was greatly displeased but was also happy for the next movie. After a few movies, and a lot of cuddling, Eren fell asleep. His head was leaning on Armins shoulder when Armin heard tiny snores.

He looked over and chuckled, catching Mikasas attention. Mikasa also smiled a bit. Armin lifted his head a bit too get up. Mikasa got up as well and picked up Eren. The three walked to the room. Mikasa laid Eren down while Armin got them all their sleep clothes. He placed them next to Eren on the bed. Mikasa slowly undressed Eren, careful not to wake him, and slowly put the night clothes on him. Once she finished, she looked over to see Armin already in his night clothes. She grabbed her own and started changing. Then they both went to the bathroom to wash up a bit for tomorrow.

"What will we do about Eren washing up?" Armin asked after he spit his toothpaste out.

Mikasa spit hers out as well and cleaned her face. "We'll just make sure he washes up extra good tomorrow", Mikasa explained, "He had too long of a day today, he needs sleep." Armin nodded in the mirror while flossing.

Once they finished, they both went to bed. They got Eren under the covers and got in on both sides of him. They kissed each other goodnight and kissed Erens forehead softly. They whispered goodnight while shutting of their bedside lamps. They cuddled close and eventually fell asleep together.

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Healing Together - EreMinMika (Eren x Armin x Mikasa)Where stories live. Discover now