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TW: ab*se (mental & physical), r*pe, neglect, cheating, panic attacks, suicidal thoughts/ actions. Please do not read if you are triggered by these or anything close. Thank you and have a great day.

Eren kept cleaning, knowing if it wasn't to Levi's standards, he'd be beaten. It was like this a lot. Eren was actually scared of Levi now. He kept scrubbing and scrubbing their apartment top to bottom. He didn't want to get hurt today, especially since he was being allowed to see Mikasa and Armin the next day. Just as he was about to get to washing the dishes the door opened. He paused, scared, knowing because he didn't finish the dishes he was going to get hurt. He turned to the door and tried to hide the dishes behind his back. He smiled at Levi, scared.

"H- hey..." Eren stuttered.

"Did you clean everything?" Levi asked, first thing.

"Uhm.. Y- yeah I was just finishing up." Eren said, hoping to god Levi wouldn't notice.

"What are you finishing if it's already clean?" Levi asked coldly.

"J- just some small d- dishes..." Eren started sweating a bit.

"Let me see." Levi said and started walking over.

"O- oh n- no! you don't have to! Y- you should go rest, work must've b- been har-" Eren got cut off by Levi pushing him out of the way. He hit the counter behind him, making him yelp.

Levi stared deathly at the full sink of dishes. Erens body went cold. He's already hurting by the aura coming off Levi. He shivered and shook.

"Eren. What did I say about having the house clean?" Levi asked, making a chill go down Erens spine. And not the kind that went down his spine when they first got together.

"Y- you said to have it down before you got home..." Eren stuttered.

"So why isn't it done?" Levi once again asked, more like demanded.

"I- I was scrubbing the walls a few times over..?" Eren closed his eyes.

He didn't open them, until he felt a pain go through his jaw. Levi had punched him. Hard. Eren felt his jaw crack. He's going to have to get that checked out.

Levi kept beating him and calling him useless. When he was done, he told Eren to do the dishes and to sleep on the couch. Eren was used to that by this point. He always slept on the couch. He barely had a room anymore. He barely had anything. He only had his friends... "friends"...

Eren thought about it while finishing the dishes. They all had feelings for each other.. before they met their partners. When they met their partners, their feelings disappeared. Not completely but just enough to push them down and away. Out of sight, out of mind. They thought it was all in the past. But Eren knew his own feelings still lingered. He didn't know about the others but he still wishes a lot of the time that they had gotten together instead of who they were with now. A lot would be better.. but the others feelings were no longer there. They couldn't have been. Not in a million years would they all like each other again...

*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*

Mikasa sat in their, rather Jeans, bed. Jean had just finished raping her. He didn't go easy either. He ignored her cries and yells for help. He just kept going and when he was finally annoyed with her, he put a gag on her. She cried the entire time but couldn't do anything.

Jean had left her there. Naked, afraid, crying. Just left her. No clean up or anything. He probably left to go to his side piece.

Mikasa took the gag off, letting her sobs creep through. She slowly got up, ignoring the pain coursing through her body. She went to the bathroom and ran a shower. She hopped in once the water was hot enough. It was burning her skin. But anything was better then feeling Jeans hands around her. She fell onto her knees, crying her eyes out. The water ran down her body, burning the traces of touches.

It was working. She turned up the heat a little, not to much to give her burns but enough as she could. It ran from her hair, down her back, to her thighs. It wasn't enough. It was never enough. She had bruises on her that hurt so bad. Bruises that would be there for a while. Bruises that'll never leave her mind. From the day she couldn't fight back. Not the first day. This was only one of many. But every single time, she felt more and more hopeless. Closer and closer to giving up.

At least she can see her friends tomorrow... The friends she wishes were more. The friends touch she craved instead of what was on her body. She couldn't wait to hug them so they could erase the touch of Jean. Eren and Armin.. The only boys she's ever trusted. Mainly because they've been best friends since childhood but.. They also would never hurt her. She knew that. They're also going through things and each time they're always there for each other. She worried for her friends each and every day. But each and every day they saw each other, there would be more bruises on everyone. More bruises no one could stop.

And she hated that. But at least they came alive each time. But closer to giving up. They're all almost so done and on an edge. But Mikasa kept living for them. Because she loves them. She doesn't want to hurt them more with suicide.

She could never. She will never. She'll keep going, for them.


Armin sat on the bathroom floor, the things Annie said to him still crossing over his mind like racing cars. Every word.. every sentence.. Every. Single. Thing.

"You're just a useless little shit!"

"You don't deserve to live."

"You're just a waist of air."

"Kill yourself."

There was more, yeah, but those hurt the worst. Tears ran down his face. Tears of sadness and anger. Guilt maybe; what for? Not even Armin knows. He gets up and goes through the drawers, making a mess.

He eventually found what he was looking for, a blade. The very blade he's been using for a while. At first it started as a small cut to feel something other then the hurt Annie gave him. But one turned into two.. two into four... four into many more. He just kept going, It was addictive. Like a drug. He couldn't stop. And right now he really needed an out.

He couldn't kill himself, and he would never plan to. He still has Eren and Mikasa. He couldn't do that to them. Running away was also out of the picture. He couldn't leave them behind either. Not with their situation.

Armin brought the blade to his wrist where multiple other scars lingered. He placed it, and brought it down. He did it a bit deep because he was in the light of the moment. Blood quickly poured out. But it didn't stop him. He started making other shallower cuts. But enough to bleed and scar. Once he was finished with his left arm, he brought it to his right. He just kept going. And when he had no more space on his right, he moved to his legs. It felt amazing. This is what Annie wanted, right? For him to be hurt? Because he's definitely getting hurt.

When Armin was finally done, he put the blade away. He looked over his body at all the cuts. He sighed and got out a roll of gauze. It wouldn't work completely, but it would prevent anything from getting in the them. He wrapped them up and then went to bed. He was going to see Eren and Mikasa. He would be okay then. Because he would be with his people. The people he lives for. That he adores. That he loves...

Hey everyone! Aeron here. I just wanted to say that i love and appreciate everyone and if you're in a toxic relationship, please leave and get help. I know it's hard but you don't need that in your life. Please everyone be safe and know your own worth.

I love you! Bye! <3

Healing Together - EreMinMika (Eren x Armin x Mikasa)Where stories live. Discover now