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Jean arrived home after his night of partying. Mikasa was no where to be found. He shrugged it off, thinking she went to work or something. He went to bed and instantly passed out.

When he woke up, Mikasa still wasn't there. He had slept an entire day. Where the hell is she? Jean grabbed his phone and called Annie. The phone rang for a minute before she finally answered.

"Hello?" She answered monotonously.

"Is Mikasa with Armin?" He asked.

"Well i'm having a good day, thanks." Jean practically heard her eye roll. "But no, he didn't ask me."

"Well she hasn't been home for over a day." Jean said.

"Try calling her genius." Annie said and Hung up.

Jean groaned, but called her. It went straight to voicemail. Jean growled and called Annie back.

"What, fuckface?" Annie groaned.

"It went straight to voicemail." Jean said.

"Fuck. Try Levi." She said, getting a bit worried. "I'm gonna call Armin." She hung up again.

Jean instantly went to Levi's contact. It rang for a while before he finally answered.

"The fuck you want? I'm at work." Levi growled.

"Is Mikasa with Eren?" Jean instantly asked.

"No. She shouldn't be at least. Eren wouldn't dare invite someone over or leave without permission." Levi said, sternly.

"She hasn't been home for a while. And she's not with Armin. Her phone is also going straight to voicemail." Levi's eyes widened a little.

"Add Annie to the call." He said sternly.

Jean did as told and Annie instantly picked up. "Armins phone is also going straight to voicemail. I'm going home now to see if he's there."

"Fuck! I'm gonna call Eren." Levi said and instantly left the call.

Levi quickly called his house phone. It rang and rang. But no answer. He called a few times but the same thing each time. He called back the other two. "Erens not answering the phone.

"I'm almost home." Annie said.

Levi started to get ready to leave as well. Eren left without his fucking permission. He's gonna get the biggest beating of his life.

"Armin?!" He heard Annie call out. "Armin!!"
She searched for a second. "He's not fucking here."

Levi left his workplace and sped home. When he got there he slammed the door open.

"Eren?! I swear to fuck if this is some dumb prank!" Levi started searching as well. Seeing no sign of Eren. Or... his things.

"Is Armins and Mikasas stuff there?" Levi asked into the call.

"Uhm.." He heard Annie say, looking around. "No..."

Jean gasped. "FUCK! THEY FUCKING RAN AWAY!" He punched a hole into his wall.

Levi knocked down some plates on the table in pure rage.

"DAMNIT" Annie yelled.

"Fuck! Let me try and track her." Jean said. He moved his phone down and started looking for Mikasas phone. It said she was right with him. He growled. "She was smart. Left her phone here."

"We have no other way of finding them!" Annie yelled.

"I FUCKING NOTICED." Jean yelled right back.

"Will you two shut the fuck up?! God you're like a bunch of fucking toddlers." Levi growled into the phone before his eye caught something. He went towards it. It looked like a letter, with his name on it. He opened it up and read it. He growled audibly. "Did they leave you guys a note?"

"A note?" Jean said. He looked around before his eyes caught something hidden. It had his name on the front. He opened it and read it. "Yeah. I have one."

"I do too." Annie said.

"So they did fucking run away.... GOD FUCKING DAMNIT." Levi yelled.

"Fuck. What do we do now?" Jean asked.

"We keep looking for them." Levi said, then left the call.


Healing Together - EreMinMika (Eren x Armin x Mikasa)Where stories live. Discover now