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*A Month Later*

Eren woke up before the other two. He looked at his lovers' sleeping faces. He smiled and carefully got up. Eren walked to the bathroom. He relieved himself of his full bladder and cleaned himself up. He walked to the kitchen and started making food.

When he finished with the food and setting up the table (counter), he went to wake up his lovers. He walked into the room, looking at his partners cuddled up together. He decided to mess with them a bit.

"You guys are cuddling with out me...?" He said softly, knowing Mikasa was a light sleeper.

Mikasa looked up drowsily at Eren. She got confused when she saw him not in bed. She looked down at Armin. She got more confused.

"Why aren't you in bed?" Mikasa asked drowsily.

"You guys kicked me out." Eren smiled, Mikasa too tired to notice.

"We did..?" She asked again.

Eren nodded. She was thinking for a second before getting up out of Armins arms and wrapped around Eren.

"I'm sorry, love." Mikasa said. She started kissing his neck, going up and down his neck. Eren moved his head to expose more of his neck. He sighed (moaned) as Mikasa started marking him up.

Armin woke up, not noticing Eren and Mikasa. He sniffed the air and became more confused as he was very tired. He sat up, looked around, and sniffed again.

"What's that smell?" He tiredly asked.

"B- breakfast..." Eren sighed out.

Armin instantly got up. He sleepily walked to their kitchen, sat at his place at the counter, and waited for the others. It only took a few seconds for the two to come out. They all sat down, said their thanks, and started eating.

The three of them ate all of their food. In silence, of course, as Mikasa and Armin were still tired. When they were done, Eren took their plates and started washing them off while Mikasa and Armin went to get ready for work. As Eren finished up the other two came back, smiling at him. He looked then up and down, blushing a little bit but going towards them.

"We'll see you later puppy." Mikasa said as she kissed his head.

"Okay! Have a good day! I love you!" He exclaimed.

"We love you too. And calm down, it's so early." Armin smiled and kissed his head as well.

Eren giggled and opened the door for them. They walked out and he waved them. They softly waved back and left. When he closed the door he rushed to the room. He quickly got ready; showering, brushing his teeth and hair, putting some makeup over Mikasas marks, getting some nice clothes on and putting his shoes on in less then 20 minutes. He then grabbed some necessary things and rushed out the door, locking it and running to the road. He saw Hanjis nice ass car and he rushed toward it.

"EREEEENNNNNNN!" He heard from inside the car. He got in next to Hanji and smiled.

"Hey Hanji." He said and got his seat belt on.

"It's your first day! Ahh i can just tell you're going to be the best assistant ever!" She screamed as she started driving. "I'm so lucky you texted me so soon after my last one left. I don't know what's with them. They all just leave muttering "i can't do this anymore" "she's too crazy"..."

Hanji went on and on until they got to the big building Hanji was the CEO of. They got out and went inside with Hanji still talking about how all her assistants quit. When they got to the front desk Hanji screamed again.

"HISTORIAAAAA!!!" The blonde receptionist looked up at her and smiled.

"Hey Hanji! Whose that?" She asked politely. Eren awkwardly smiled and waved.

Healing Together - EreMinMika (Eren x Armin x Mikasa)Where stories live. Discover now