Chapter 29

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Weird looks pass between Parker and Draco as they notice that George and I are tense and looking at the ground. Neither of us explain. I'm spiraling over dreams that probably mean nothing and George is the idiot who believes me when I say that something's wrong. I hope he's right when he says that Parker won't get hurt but with this feeling in my gut not going away, I can't really be too sure.

I try to focus on something else. Like the weird looks getting thrown our way. On a normal day I would've laughed at the fact that we are weirding everyone out. I know it must look weird for Malfoy to be in proximity to a Weasley and not be insulting him. I wave by to George and Parker, before grabbing Draco's hand and walking off to Herbology.

"Part of me wants to skip class today." Draco mumbles.

"Honestly, so do I."

"Why don't we then?" He asks.

"Because I don't want to have to makeup anymore homework. Besides I barely have time after school to do the homework thanks to Snape's lessons."

"He's still going harsh on you, princess?"

"I've gotten better at blocking him out, but it still hurts." I reply, before laying my head on his shoulder. He almost tenses at my touch but plays it off. Most likely hoping I won't notice. I want to frown but I keep my expression blank.


"Hm?" He hums in response. A lump forms in my throat.

"Can you promise me something?" I say quietly. Why is this making me nervous? He looks at me, almost scared about what I'm about to say.

"Yeah what's up?" He replies.

"If you ever lose feelings for me, please tell me. That way it's easier for the both of us." I say quickly. His eyes grow wide.

"I promise, but I doubt that's ever going to happen. I love you and you know that."

I nod my head and whisper, "I love you too." His grip tightens on my hand as we enter the overly-warm green house. The plants scattered around the table give off a green hue, making the room live up to its name. 

Draco and I walk over to one of the stations and wait for Professor Sprout to finish setting up her lesson. While we wait Neville walks over and stands beside me, organizing his planting supplies. 

"How are you today, Neville?" I ask, while I distract myself with my supplies. 

"I'm good. How are you?" He replies, not bothering to perk his head up. 

I shrug even though I know he's not looking. "I could be better." With that response I get a nudge to the ribs from Draco. I roll my eyes and ignore him. 

"Is talking to you a problem?" Neville asks as he looks over at Draco, who is acting like he is preoccupied. 

"No. He's just being him." Neville nods slightly, like he doesn't want to offend Draco in any way. Somehow Draco's grip on my hand grows tighter. I look over at him and see that he's looking at me with what looks like an emotionless expression, but behind his eyes I can see a bit of sadness there. I don't think the sadness is towards Neville but to me. 

"I don't see you like that." I whisper to him. 

Right before class starts Parker runs into the room, flushed in the face and panting. She walks over and bumps Draco out of the way to stand in between him and I.

"Thanks for getting my stuff ready." Parker says in a cheerful tone, while Draco rolls his eyes and I start laughing. It feels good to laugh right now. It feels like I haven't done it in a while. Parker's smile is contagious to say the least.

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