Chapter 25

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As it should be, Platform 9 3/4 is bustling with people. Students of all ages getting ready to go back to school for another year. As much as I want to be excited something keeps tugging at me in my stomach. A deep feeling of dread just lays there eating away at me.

I force myself to focus on my cat, who is meowing in her crate. My mom finally delivered her a couple days ago to Malfoy Manor. Let's just say Lucius was not pleased with a cat roaming around. If I remember his exact words to me were, "Keep that cat in your room."

Draco and I have been fine the past couple of days but I still have a feeling he doesn't like me as much as he used to. He keeps trying to reassure me that he's fine with what I told him but I still get that feeling. It's the subtle shifts in him that I've noticed. When we are sitting in my room and talking together he will flinch away from me when I move towards him. He'll sit far away from me and won't cuddle unless I ask him to. I shouldn't have told him anything.

I take a deep breath, before looking around the station, looking for familiar faces. Soon enough I find Parker and her mother coming my way. Parker sprints over and pulls me into a hug before letting go and smiling.

"I'm excited for this year." She says.

"I see that." I say giving the best smile I could offer.

"Are you?"

"Yeah." I lie. I am very much not excited for this year.

"Annette." Narcissa says in a clipped tone, making Parker and I look at her and her mother.

"Narcissa. How is my cousin in law, Lucius?" Parker's mother responds, playing it off. Narcissa gives her a glare but stays poised.

"Lucius is fine. And my son is doing fine as well." I look over at Parker who is just as slack jawed as me. Draco tenses up and stares at Parker and I with a questioning look. We both shrug. Turns out none of us know what is going on. Ethan is off looking for his friends so we can't ask him.

"Parker has told me that your son has been in a relationship with Mandy Lafoi's daughter. That's surprising to say the least. She is a half-blood if I recall." Narcissa gives me a small glare before returning the conversation.

"If my son and Felicity have any relationship with each other I have not heard about it." She says, growing tense. Annette nods her head and smirks. Now that I am looking at her, she looks like Narcissa. The multi-colored hair and blue eyes that are almost gray. They are related in some way. I'm going to assume they are cousins.

"Have a good day Narcissa. Do write one day. I would love to have dinner with you at some time. Have a good school year, Parker. Love you and write to me if you need." Parker nods her head, before watching her mother walk off and away from us.

"She's your cousin, isn't she? Or was?" I ask Narcissa.

"Was." Narcissa says quickly, before glaring at Parker. "She was disowned. Or kicked out of the family for marrying a muggle-born." Narcissa gave Draco a quick good-bye before walking off.

"Come on. The trio has already found our seats." Parker grabs my arm, pulling me to the train, while I wave bye to Draco. He smirks at me before he disappears into the sea of people. I sigh, trying to keep up with Parker, being nearly impossible with how many people are around.

"So you're related to Draco. That's weird." I comment as we get on the train.

"I don't want to think about it." She replies with a laugh.

"I'm related to Harry." I say quietly. She stops and turns to face me, her jaw on the floor. I shrug and quickly explain to her what happened on summer break and how I'm not sure if I should tell him.

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