Chapter 2

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My body completely froze. What was Ethan of all people doing here? I came here to get away from him. Not spend more time with him. Not after what he did.

"Can I talk to you, Felicity?" He sounds unsure of himself. Like he shouldn't have asked to talk to me. He shouldn't have because I don't want to talk to him.

"Um... I think I was fixing to go meet with Fred and George." I lied.

"Please. It's important." I shake my head no. But he grabs my arm and pulls me up.

"Hey she said no. Leave her alone." I hear Malfoy shout from behind me. Ethan turns around dragging me with him.

"This is none of your concern Blondie." Ethan snaps.

"Leave her alone." Malfoy started to get up and I knew he was wanting to fight with Ethan. I also knew that Ethan was probably a lot stronger than him so I knew I had to keep them from fighting.

"Draco, it's fine. I'll see you later." I try to act like I'm sure but I know my confidence is wavering.

"Are you sure?" I see something in Malfoy's eyes that I've never seen before, concern.

"Yeah. It's fine." I say quietly. Ethan turned back around, dragging me with him. We stopped right outside of the hospital wing.

"Why have you been avoiding me?" Ethan asked as soon as we stopped outside the door.

"I think you know exactly why." I snapped. Ethan let go of my arm and I started rubbing the spot where he was holding.

"No I obviously don't, Felicity. With you it's like one second we are the best of friends and the next it's like I don't exist." He seemed genuinely confused but I have no idea why. Unless he's really that thick and doesn't know what he did wrong.

"After what you did, why would I want to hang out with you?" I snap.

"What exactly did I do to make you hate me? Because I am completely lost." He really is that thick. I roll my eyes at the thought. My dumbass is going to explain it to him anyway.

"Think about it. I had genuine feelings for you. And then after telling me you liked me back and talking about kissing me, I hear you got a girlfriend and that you no longer had feelings for me."

"That's what you're upset about?" He says it like it's nothing.

"Oh no. I'm not done. There was also the fact that you called me one night explaining how you found your soulmate and then right as we ended the call you said I love you. I know what you meant by it but..." It still hurt. I didn't finish the sentence. I don't really think I could.

"But what?"

"I meant it differently and you knew it too." That's part of the truth at least.

"You don't have to mean it when you say it."

"That's not the point, Ethan. You hurt me when I needed you. And you of all people should have known not to hurt me. Actually you know what, I'm not surprised that you hurt me. Because that's what you always did. I would come home with a fake smile on my face everyday because of you. I always felt like I did something wrong with you. I have to go." I turned around and walked away as fast as I could. Tears were starting to spill and I didnt want him to see that. Crying shows weakness. Weakness shows vulnerability. If you are vulnerable people take advantage of you.

Somehow I managed to walk all the way to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. Well at least I walked to a semi-private place. Anyway, I walked into the bathroom and went to the end stall nearest to the wall. I didn't walk into the stall however.

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