Chapter 6

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It's been about 5 weeks since I spent that last night with Fred. I've been to Hogsmeade once already and today the third years are going again. The last time Hermione wanted to go to the shrieking shack but we never got to. Mainly because Ron wanted to explore every inch of Honeydukes. I ended up buying a lot of stuff for Ron and Hermione and very little for me. There were only a few things I wanted to try anyway. They kept telling me I didn't have to get them anything but I did anyway.

After the first Hogsmeade trip, everyone had to sleep in the great hall, almost immediately. Sirius Black had tried to enter the Gryffindor common room but was unsuccessful.

I walk with Hermione and Ron through some sort of forest to get to the Shrieking Shack. Ron still doesn't like me, so the whole time he stayed away from me. I don't care though because I'm listening to Hermione talk about the shack. I liked learning about haunted things and apparently, as Hermione has said 500 times, it's the most haunted building in all of Britain. We get to the fence and stop there. Hermione starts giving more facts about the place and I stand here freezing my ass off because I'm an idiot and only decided to wear one of Harry's hoodies that he gave me. I totally didn't steal it. It was his gray hoodie that he wore sneaking around the castle, looking for Peter Pettigrew.

"Well, well, well. Look who's here. You three shopping for your new dream home? Bit grand for you, isn't it Weaslebee? Don't your family all sleep room?" Malfoy's voice rang from behind us. We all turned around as soon as he said "well, well, well." I can't wait to see Hermione punch his face at the end of the year.

"Shut your mouth, Malfoy." Ron says, not very confidently. Though it sounds like he was trying.

"Ooh. Not very friendly. Boys, I think it's time we show Weaselbee how to respect his superiors." Malfoy replies with a smirk.

"I hope you're not talking about yourself." Hermione snaps as she steps in front of Ron and I. Mainly Ron.

"How dare you talk to me like that? You filthy little mudblood."

I grabbed my wand from my pocket and pointed it at Malfoy. "Don't call her a mudblood." As if on cue a snowball hits Malfoy right in the face. I back away and watch as more snowballs hit Malfoy and his goons. It was funny watching Malfoy run around scared. Soon Malfoy is on the floor getting dragged to the shrieking shack by an invisible force. Aka Harry. Harry drops Draco on the ground, then Draco scrambles to get up, then runs away like a scaredy cat with his goons following him. It was hilarious. I feel someone tug at my hair.

"Harry." Hermione and I say at the same time. Harry reveals himself, laughing.

"Blimey Harry, that wasn't funny." We all crack up laughing and head towards hogsmeade. Harry starts explaining how he got here with the Marauders map. Which I already know about. Hermione keeps telling him to give it to Mcgonagall but we all know that's not going to happen. We stopped near Honeydukes because Harry started eavesdropping on Madame Rosemerta and Cornelius Fudge, the minister of magic. I sigh as Harry puts on his invisibility cloak to go see what's going on. Me, Hermione and Ron tried to follow him but we weren't allowed into the Three Broomsticks, so we sat outside and waited.

Harry came out a few minutes later pushing through people. Me, Hermione, and Ron followed him and said our apologies to carolers who were knocked down. We followed him all the way to a rock in the middle of the forest. He was sitting crying with the invisibility cloak pulled over him. Me and Hermione walk over to him and pull the cloak off.

"Harry. What happened?" Hermione asks, concerned.

"He was their friend and he betrayed them. HE WAS THEIR FRIEND!." Harry screams out, making me slightly flinch. "I hope he finds me, cuz when he does I'm gonna kill him. When he does I'll be ready." There was a long pause of silence. I sat on the rock next to Harry and pulled him into a side hug. Hermione followed after me and did the same as I did. Harry lays his head on my shoulder and takes a deep breath.

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