Chapter 18

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I wake up the next morning around noon, on Draco's bed, with Draco on top of me and his head on my chest. His way of keeping me from rolling over onto my shoulder, I suspect. My body feels completely numb and sore. Not surprisingly. Especially since I ran quite a bit last night. I'm not going to move anytime soon. Thank god it's the weekend. I want Draco to move off my chest though because it's slightly starting to hurt. I never told him about last night so he doesn't know what I did to my ribs.

"Dray. Dray." I say as I shake him a bit. He grumbles something, then hugs onto me tighter. "Dray, I nearly broke my ribs last night, can you please get off?" That makes him quickly sit up, eyeing me with concern and a bit of anger.

"How the hell did you nearly break your ribs?" He says through gritted teeth. I shrink down realizing he's going to scold me for it. I've already gotten scolded for it once, I don't need my boyfriend scolding me.

"Did I say ribs? I meant shoulder." He rolls his eyes and crosses his arms.

"I accidentally got too close to the whomping willow ok? And may have fought off a werewolf." I say the last part quietly, hoping he doesn't hear but he does. His face drops in fear.

"I didn't get bitten or scratched. I promise." I say quickly.

"I don't care. It's the fact that you fought a werewolf. I don't want you to get hurt." He takes my hand and places a kiss on my knuckles. He then lays down next to me and carefully pulls me on top of him. Despite his efforts, I still slightly wince because of my shoulder.

"Sorry love." He whispers. 

"It's fine." I snuggle close to him, then whisper, "I'm still mad at you by the way, but you're warm so I'm snuggling close to you." He laughs and shakes his head.

"Whatever you say."

"There you are!" Parker shouts as storms into the room.

"How the fuck do you have energy? My whole body feels like it's been hit by a truck."

"Technically you got hit by the whomping willow, which is probably worse than a truck. And the energy, I have no clue. Anyway Malfoy, watch your back, because when you are alone, only Merlin will be able to save you." She narrows her eyes, then turns around and leaves.

"She scares me sometimes." Draco comments. I laugh, then close my eyes to go back to sleep.

"I'm going back to sleep." I whisper.

"What happened last night that made you so tired?"

"I'll explain later." I let fatigue come over me and quickly fall asleep.

I'm in the woods again but I'm alone. I don't know where I am and I don't know where I'm going. It's hard to see anything with the fog that is surrounding the trees. I shout out for someone. Anyone, but no one answers. The woods are still. Deathly still.

Suddenly, a black wisp of smoke surrounds me, making it impossible to see at all. 

"Felicity." A snake-like voice calls. "You lied to me."

"What are you talking about?" I scream out. A sob escapes my throat.

"Parker and Ethan. You lied about them." The voice says as a figure appears through the smoke. His red eyes shine through the darkness. Voldemort.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I know what he is trying to do and I'm not going to fall for it.

"You're a smart girl." He hisses.

I wake up and sit up quickly, breathing heavily. Draco puts his hand on my shoulder, trying to get me to calm down.

"Hey. Hey, it's ok. It was only a dream." Draco says, trying to calm me down.

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