Chapter 9

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The next day I woke up. Draco is sleeping so I decide to head to my dorm. As I head to my dorm a thought crosses my mind. What if Ethan's parents are death eaters? I don't think my dream will become real but if Ethan was a death eater in my dream maybe his parents are. I get to my room and walk to my dresser. I grab my clothes, then head to the bathroom and get changed. I freshen myself up and get ready for the day. My next objective is to see if Ethan's parents are death eaters. Thankfully, around this time he is either eating breakfast or heading to breakfast, so he can go to the astronomy tower and eat. My bets are on that he's at the astronomy tower.

And so that's where I'm headed. It only takes a couple of minutes to get there. Thanks to Fred and George I've learned my way around the castle. I walk up the stairs and see Ethan sitting near the edge staring over the landscape.

"Mind if I join you?" I ask, making Ethan turn around.

"Uh. Sure." I walk over and sit down next to him.

"We haven't talked much since break." Ethan says quietly, trying to start up a conversation.

"Sorry about that."

"It's fine. It's basically how it usually is anyway." He shrugs. It is how it usually is. I avoid him a lot. Usually when he gets a girlfriend.

"Ethan, I don't try to ignore you. We drift apart easily." I try to explain but every bit of it sounds like a lie.

"I know we do. I don't blame you if I'm being honest. I think I always kinda knew we were gonna drift." He takes the lie as if it were the truth.

"Maybe that's why we never actually tried to be with each other. I think we both subconsciously knew that we weren't going to work."


"I'm pretty sure this is the most deep conversation we've ever had." I joke. I don't want to talk about why me and him have never been together. If I do I will just end up crying and yelling at him.

"Way to ruin the moment." He said while nudging my shoulder.

"I guess that's just how I am." I say while chuckling a little.

"On a serious note, I need to ask you something." I changed the subject to what I have been wondering about.

"What's up?"

"Are your parents here, death eaters?" I ask slowly.

"Yes, why?"

I shrug. "Just curious."

"That's not true. Why do you want to know?"

"I saw in a dream that you had become a death eater. I don't believe you would but it made me think if your parents are death eaters."


"See I was just curious."


"Anyway, I better get going. I promised Fred and George that I would help them with something."

"With what?"

"You'll see." I say while getting up.

"By the way don't eat breakfast tomorrow." I say just as I get to the staircase. I leave before hearing any response. I walk all the way down to the kitchens. When I get there I tickle the pear on the painting and enter the kitchen. Fred and George were at a table looking at some pieces of parchment.

"You know you should be more attentive. I could've been a teacher." I say causing the twins to look up.

"Well I guess it's a good thing you aren't a professor." Fred jokes. I walk over to the boys and sit down next to Fred.

Not From this Reality Book 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora