Chapter 19

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The weeks go by surprisingly fast. Fred has been acting like he didn't kiss me. He can still look me in the eyes like it was nothing. Which makes me even more confused by what he meant when he said "Just a goodbye." He wasn't saying goodbye to me, I think. I hate boys, they are so confusing.

Today we are on the train, going home. Home. I really don't think I'm going home. I believe Harry now when he said he's not really going home in first year. That's weird to think about. Anyway, I'm sitting in a compartment with Parker and Draco. Draco is sitting across from me and I have my legs propped up on his lap, while reading. Parker is sitting next to me reading as well. Draco is focused on looking outside. I would look outside too but the book is quite interesting. My kitten Shadow is in her crate, asleep, on the other side of Parker.

"Blondie, can you get out for a sec? I need to talk to Parker and Felicity." Ethan's voice calls from the door.

"No, whatever you want to say you can say it to me." Draco argues.

"Dray. Just for a sec ok." I say as I look up at him, giving him a pleading look. He gave an aggravated sigh, then stood up and left the compartment.

"So what are you planning to do?" Ethan asks after Draco leaves.

"We are going back on the platform. If that's what you mean."

"Or we could do it now?" He suggests.

"I want to say bye to Draco first." 

"And I want to say bye to George. Leaving on the platform will be a lot easier." He nods his head and walks away. A few seconds later Draco walks in and sits back down in front of me.

"Are you going home with me, Felicity?" Draco asks.

"No. I'm going home with my mom. Then I'm going to your house a week before the Quidditch World cup." I reply.

"I thought you were going with me and the Weasleys."

"Change of plans. I'm sorry Parker. I'll still see you there." She nods her head, then looks back down at her book. The truth is I don't want to be around Fred and my mom prefers that I stay with the Malfoys. I still haven't told anyone that Fred kissed me. I know I probably should tell Draco but something tells me I shouldn't. Honestly, I'm also scared to tell anyone. I know Draco would probably be mad at me for letting it happen. Parker would go and kill Fred because it wasn't with my permission. It would be a whole mess and I don't want to deal with that.

The train stops, so we get up, grab our stuff and my cat, then walk out of the compartment and off the train. I am greeted by Parker's parents. They are basically her parents from her real reality. Parker mainly kept her family the same. Of course she changed some things. I changed mine a bit but kept the dead father the same.

"Mom, can I go say goodbye to George?" Parker asks her mom.

"Yes you may. It was nice to see you again, Felicity." 

"Nice to see you Mrs. Sallow." She gives me a small smile then looks at Draco beside me. She gives him a glare, looks him up and down, then turns around and leaves.

"Do you want to come with me to say bye to Fred?" Parker says as she turns to me.

"No it's ok." I say quickly. Probably too quickly. Parker gives me a confused look, then walks off looking for George. I turn to Draco and give him a small smile.

"I'll see you in a couple of weeks."

"Yeah. See you in a couple of weeks." He gives me a small kiss then walks off. As soon as he leaves, Ethan appears beside me.

"You ready?" He asks.

"No." He nods his head and says, "You're not supposed to get attached."

"I know." Parker walks up to us and gives Ethan a glare.

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