Chapter 30

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The next couple weeks pass without any incidents. Well, one incident did occur. The twins' aging potion didn't work so they couldn't put their name in the goblet of fire. They're still trying to figure out how they should though.

Other than that, everything has been peaceful. But I don't trust it. Today, after dinner, Dumbledore will announce the names of the Tri-wizard contestants. I know who it's going to be and so Draco has been trying to get me to tell him. I haven't caved yet and I most likely won't for the rest of the day. So I guess it seems Draco has found a use for my reality shifting.

Like I was saying, Dumbledore is announcing the contestants today and I have been sick to my stomach. The past couple of days I have barely been able to get out of bed. The nerves and that feeling in my stomach combined make my head spin. Plus, I am nauseous. It feels like I caught a very terrible stomach bug. Needless to say, Parker and Draco have to keep making excuses for why I'm not in class.

One thing has helped though. Well, two. During the day, if I have free time I will walk down by the lake and hike in the forest. That usually clears my head. And to my surprise the niffler I met last year remembered me, so now I bring food (sponsored by Hagrid) for it whenever I go hiking.

At night I go to the Astronomy tower. Sometimes Draco will join me to make sure I'm ok or to make sure that I don't stay up there too long. One night I fell asleep up there and he found me there freezing, so that's why he likes to come up with me. We don't talk when he comes with me. We sit quietly and look at the stars. Sometimes I forget he's there until he says that it's time to go.

Today is one of those days where I have decided to skip class and take a walk in the woods. I have food stuffed in my pocket just in case I stumble across any little creatures.

"It's too cold for you to be doing this today." Ethan says as he walks up beside me, shivering and slightly over exaggerating on how cold it is.

"Those classrooms are too hot." I reply with a shrug. "I need some fresh air before they call the names." My stomach does a somersault, thinking about the names being called today. Something is going to go wrong or someone who isn't supposed to be called will be called today. Those are my guesses. The latter is what I'm leaning toward.

"You still feel bad?"

"Yes. I barely wanted to get out of bed today but even the Slytherin common room felt too hot. I have a bad feeling that one of our names are going to get called." I say, referring to Parker, Ethan, and I.

"Nobody except Dumbledore, Fred and Malfoy know that we are shifters."

"After my dreams last year, I don't believe that. I think Voldemort knows."

"They could be wrong." He says hopefully. I shake my head in doubt. I don't trust Voldemort or any of his plans. He will probably try to use us for something. Especially since we know the future. And with the way Moody/Barty Crouch Jr. keeps staring at the three of us, I don't doubt that he is up to something.

"This world isn't going by the original plot anymore." I admitted. With us being here, many things have changed. The plot might still look the same from the outside but because Ethan, Parker and I are here, we have somehow become a major part of it. I was only supposed to be a background character. "I feel like we should've been more descriptive with our scripts."

"Maybe you're right."

"Hopefully I'm wrong."

"How's Mr. Bipolar?" Ethan asks, trying to change the subject. I accept the bait because right now I'd prefer to talk about something else. Even if it's how bipolar Draco has been lately.

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