Chapter 17

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"All of you are in very deep trouble." Snape says in a low voice. "Especially you two." He says to me and Parker.

We walk into the hospital wing. Madam Pomfrey rushed to us. Snape lays Harry on the bed, then walks out with Sirius, without giving any explanation to Madam Pomfrey.

"Felicity on a bed. Ms. Granger, can you lay Mr. Weasley on that bed." Madam Pomfrey commands. "Parker. explanation of everyone's injuries, please." Parker explains everything while Madam Pomfrey runs between Harry and Ron. She ultimately decides to wait until Harry wakes up to deal with him and work on me and Ron, after quickly helping Hermione and Parker.

Once she's done with Ron, she walks over to me and has me lay down. She waves her wand over my chest. A screen looking thing pops up in front of her.

"Cracked ribs. It's a wonder they didn't break. Especially when you turned into your animagus form. You got lucky. Doing what you did could've caused one of your ribs to break and puncture a lung." She says after inspecting the screen. I gulp and shrink down a bit. I know I was a little reckless but something told me I had to protect my friends.

"This might sting a bit." She says before sliding her wand down my chest. A slight pain starts moving through my chest, following the movements of the wand. As soon as the wand leaves my chest, so does the pain.

"Now sit up so I can heal your shoulder." She commands. I sit up slowly and scoot to the edge of the bed.

"This is going to hurt a lot." She says before quickly popping my shoulder into place.

"Mother trucker!" I shout trying not to cuss. I feel bandages wrap around my shoulder but I don't care. Any adrenaline I had started wearing off and my body started to hurt. I'm such a dumbass. When did someone let me decide to be an animagus? Fighting a werewolf. I don't regret it though. That's going to be quite a story to tell.

"You ok, Hermione?" I ask as I see her pacing by Harry's bed.

"They've captured Sirius. Do you know what they are going to do to him?" She says frantically.

"He'll be alright. I can feel it." Parker chimes in.

"I saw my dad." Harry says as he wakes up. We all walk over to his bedside, Hermione frantic as ever.

"Listen, Harry, they've captured Sirius. Any minute now, they are going to have the dementors perform the kiss." Hermione says frantically.

"You mean they're going to kill him." Harry says as he frantically sits up and grabs his glasses from the table next to him. Hermione explains what they are going to do to Sirius, making Harry even more frantic. Dumbledore walks through the doors in a dramatic way. I swear every teacher at Hogwarts likes to be dramatic with their entrances. Or just being dramatic in general. I should shut my head up. Dumbledore can read my mind. I'm an idiot.

We all walk up to the headmaster, Hermione stating the obvious as we do.

"It's true sir. Sirius is innocent." Harry says, backing up Hermione.

"It was Scabbers who did it." Ron explains. He explains the whole rat situation. Basically rambling about who gave the rat to who.

"The point is we know the truth." Hermione says as she turns back around to face Dumbledore. "Please believe us."

"I do believe you Ms. Granger, but I'm sorry to say that the words of 5 13 year old wizards will convince few others." Excuse me, the majority of us are 14. I'm pretty sure Harry is the only one that's 13. 

"A child's voice, no matter how honest and true, is meaningless to those who have forgotten how to listen." Dumbledore says as he pushes through us and walks over to Ron, hitting his leg. Ron grimaces with each pat, making it hard for me to contain my laughter. Ron's face looks hilarious. The clock starts ringing, making Dumbledore stare off into space for a second.

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