December 15th

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souls don't meet by accident


December 15th:

"Hear me out, hear me out. What if we are just pawns in someone's game, and our thoughts are not our thoughts? Like, what if someone is playing house, but- don't interrupt me- but what if we're the dolls?" Kahlil looks around the car eagerly, twisting in his seat to catch the eye of the two girls in the back.

At first, the car is filled with pin-drop silence. Seconds later, it erupts in raucous laughter. Jules and Fay lean over each other, unable to keep themselves together, clutching their aching ab muscles. Roaring in laughter, tears forming in the corners of Nico's eyes. Kahlil looks around wide-eyed, crossing his arms over his chest. Irritated by the unbelievable response, he huffs a contempt breath.

"Just watch me save all of our asses," he waves a finger around the car.

"Dude, you've been watching way too many Matrix movies," Nico snorts, shoving away the finger Kahlil waves in his face.

"Babe," Fay leans forward in her chair, brushing her hand on the back of Kahlil's neck. He's placed in the seat right in front of her. "Let's not start with conspiracy theories. We haven't even gotten there yet."

In the back of Nico's dad's expensive SUV, Fay and Jules are cramped, enveloped by all their luggage. Nico drives, Kahlil riding shotgun and in control of the road trip mixtapes.

They drive down an empty road. The pine trees banding both sides of the road are blanketed in powdery snow. The farther north they continue, the earth seems to glaze over in white. Even the sky is white; no clouds, no sun, just white light. The road is only visible by the few car tracks from earlier drivers and a band of yellow on either side of the road that sticks out of the snow.

"You're telling me you don't think they are researching Aliens in Area 51."

"Dude, we're not twelve anymore," Nico slaps the back of his head.

"Shut up, Goon. You still watch Danny Phantom," Kahlil rolls his eyes at Nico. They bicker like brothers, Jules and Fay silently watching from the back, entertained.

"That's because it's a good show," Nico jabs back.

"And who even plays Wii Bowling anymore?" Kahlil mocks, kicking his feet up on Nico's dash. Nico instantly hits his hands on Kahlil's shines, knocking his feet back to the ground. There are lengths he will go to piss off his father, but even Nico hates the idea of dirt ruining the spotless interior.

"I do!" Fay exclaims from the back seat. Kahlil spins around, offended.

"You're supposed to be on my side, Fay," he exclaims, "you're my girlfriend."

Fay shrugs, looking at Jules. They erupt into giggles, leaning their sides into each other. Both are dressed casually, the heat blasting in the back seat keeping them warm. Jules's cheeks are rosy from heat, but she's otherwise comfortable. The backseat of Nico's car smells so much like him that she feels utterly at ease.

"I still love you, baby," Fay teases, patting his shoulder.

"Really? Cause I'm not feeling the love up here."

"So dramatic," Fay sighs, rolling her eyes at Kahlil. They continue to bicker back and forth about insignificant things. Something they do...often.

Jules looks towards the front of the car, meeting Nico's intense gaze in the rearview mirror. How long had he been looking at her? His gaze is intoxicating, sending Jules's mind into a spiral. He brushes a hand over his mouth as if to pull him out of his daze. His lips turn up in a grin. Jules watches the shift before she grins back softly, looking away when the blush creeps up her cheeks.

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