November 14th

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your eyes stole all my words


November 14th:

She's leaning against the hood of his car, waiting for him five minutes after the bell. She scrolls through Instagram on her phone, cursing the late driver for the cold.

When he does stroll toward her, her heart does a little flip-flop. Despite the ever-freezing temperature outside, he's dressed in nothing more than a light, long sleeve shirt. Dark blue jeans hang low on his hips, showing the white band of his boxers when he raises an arm to wave at her. His smile never fades.

"Well, what are you doing here, sweetheart?" He smirks.

She shifts from his hood, moving towards the passenger side door. When she goes for the handle, it's still locked. She looks at him with wide eyes, huffing a breath.

"Fay ditched me," she declares, crossing her arms over her chest. Her hair is pulled up into a ponytail. Little wisps of fallen curls blow over her forehead in the wind. She shifts, thankful for Nico's large frame intercepting the wind.

"What?" He gapes, shaking his head as he looks back at the school.

"Yeah," Jules giggles, poking him in the chest, "but you already knew that."

"I have no idea what you mean," he purses his lips, shaking his head. His brown eyes are active as they lock onto hers. Impossible to tell where the black of his pupils melts into the dark chocolate brown of his eyes.

"Hmm. Well, Fay said you told her you would take me home or something like that." She places her hands on his chest, pushing him back a fraction. "But maybe I heard wrong."

"You heard perfectly," he grins, unlocking the door for her. She welcomes the warmer air inside the car, pulling the door closed before he has the chance to shut it for her. She can hear him chuckle as he walks around the car, watching as he falls into the seat next to her. His smile never disappeared.

He hasn't felt the level of happiness he feels with her in a while. Not since before Ty's accident, and even then, it had been strained. His parents' work statuses had already started to grow, leaving him more and more time alone. With Ty always at football practice, he threw himself into the party scene. Alcohol had provided a type of relief, but not the kind of joy he feels now, looking at Jules.

On the drive home, they don't talk about much. Jules leans her head against the window, her heavy eyelids fluttering shut. The cold glass beneath her face, with the patterns Nico traces on her knee, lulls her to sleep.

When she wakes, she's in front of the Peace House. Nico shakes her shoulder lightly, smiling when she whines.

"Wake up, sleepy head," he jibes. She yawns, stretching her limbs before nodding. She goes to grab her backpack from the back, but he stops her. His hand cups hers, his palm warm and gentle. His touch with her is always soft.

"What?" Her brows furrow. He reaches past her, letting go of her hand for something farther in his backseat.

"I want you to have this," he hands her a ball of something. "Actually, I want you to wear it. Tonight. When you come to see me."

"Wha-?" She sputters, unfolding the clothing. In her hands is a blue and white jersey, the last name Richardson plastered across the back. There's a patch right over where his heart would be with the word C for Captain.

She stares at the declarations, knowing what this is. Knowing what this illustrates to other people who will undoubtedly see her.

"Why do you want me to have this?" She asks, still holding it between them.

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