December 31st

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I'm coming up, so you better get this party started.

-PINK (the artist)

December 31st:

 Jules hadn't had such an addiction to red until after she met Nico. Maybe it is the low guttural way he calls her by the color or the way his eyes never leave her body when she wears it. She's the color of sin yet looks nothing less than heavenly.

The blood red dress forms to her curves, accentuating the little dip between her waist and her hips. It falls mid-thigh, the open back dipping to a point halfway down her spine, the soft skin of her back and legs glowing underneath the pale lighting. She wears black heels that will make her eye-level with Nico, her lips painted a bold red, per insistence on Fay's end. She wants her to be hell on heels.

The same heels click against the floor as she and Fay trudge into the club. The sweaty bodies of other people congest them as they elbow their way through the dancers, hoping to find the clearing.

"I'm gonna get us some drinks," Fay yells over the booming music, flashing her fake ID with a smirk. She tugs Jules's arm to follow.

Jules treks behind Fay, her body humming with energy. It starts at the peak of her head and reaches down to her toes. It's like electricity coursing through her veins, her senses on high alert.

"Two Shirly Temples, please," Fay flashes the bartender a smile that has him melting, not even bothering to check her ID. He's young, probably around their age, with sandy blonde hair and a chiseled jaw. He is cute, but the air of arrogance that surrounds him when he saunters back has Fay rolling her eyes.

"On the house," he smirks at them, pushing the two drinks. "What are you two girls doing here all alone lookin' like that." His eyes rake down Fay before traveling to Jules, who crosses her arms over her chest.

"Oh, but we're not alone," Fay cocks her head to the side, "we're together."

"Well, yeah, but I mean, how has nobody snatched you up?" He leans towards them, his elbows resting on the countertop. "Two hotties like you probably get a lot of action in a place like this."

Fay looks to Jules a beat before leaning into her ear. "Can I kiss you?" She whispers against her ears, smiling at the boy when his eyes flicker between the two.

"Huh?" Jules frowns, pulling back to see Fay's playful grin, "uh...sure."

Fay cups Jules's jaw in her palm, turning her face towards her. Capturing Jule's lips in a soft, quick kiss, there's no passion between them, but Fay plays the part. Pulling back, she wipes off Jules's smudged makeup before turning back to the bartender, who looks slightly flushed with narrowed eyes.

"Like I said," Fay leans into Jules's side, "we're together." And with that, she grabs their drinks and saunters away. Jules follows closely behind, giggling when she turns around to see the bartender's heated stare.

"What was that?" Jules laughs, leaning into Fay's side. They walk with their arms linked together towards the booths. They are supposed to meet the boys, but Kahlil had texted they would be a little later. Something about protecting the team and saving their teammate, Fay hadn't cared to pay much attention.

"He was being a perv," she shrugs, sliding into a booth, "so I gave him something to think about all night."

Jules shakes her head, "you're terrible."

"Let's just say if Nico saw how he was looking at you, he would have done lots worse. I spared the poor boy's life." Fay swirls the straw around her drink, periodically sipping on it, her eyes on Jules.

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