October 1st

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October First:

In the few weeks Jules spends trying to evade Nico's persisting presence, Kahlil and Fay manage to remedy their intricate relationship. Every night, Jules sorrows through Fay's hushed giggles into the phone. Rolling her eyes as she flips on her bed, shoving her pillow to her ear does nothing to muffle the sounds.

Their push and pull relationship had begun as something meant to last the summer. However, both Fay and Kahlil found themselves falling back into the habit of each other. Afraid to let each other close, yet equally scared to let the other go.

Like their relationship, the weather finally relented. After weeks of dreary rainy days, the sun begins to peek out from behind the clouds. The autumn air is warm and thick today, the sky crystalline blue and free of any palls. The trees are all rich colors. Their artful leaves cascade down with the soft breeze that bristles through the small town.

Fay tries to persuade Jules to come with her to the park. The boys were scrimmaging with a few of their friends, and Kahlil had invited them to watch.

"Common, Jules. It will be fun," Fay's voice sing-songs.

They are locked away in their room, avoiding the rest of the girls as tensions are elevated. Unintentionally Fay had said something regarding one of the girls' past that sparked an argument. Rosemary had not been pleased with the yelling, sending each of the girls to opposite ends of the house.

"I am trying to avoid him, Fay," Jules says, regarding he who shall not be named. Her eyes go wide as she shakes her head furiously. "This seems very counterproductive."

"You don't even have to talk to him," Fay reasons, glancing over her shoulder. She digs through her heap of clothes on the floor in search of the sheer black top she wore to a party last week.

Jules scoffs, crossing her arms protectively over her chest. "Don't you think I've tried that?" She mocks the nuisance.

"If he tries anything, I will personally protect you," her light green eyes grow wide as she smiles towards Jules. Slipping into the shirt, Fay's pale ivory skin is barely covered by the thin article of clothing. Her wild straw blonde hair is pulled back into two unruly braids, wearing high-waisted jeans to meet the hem of her shirt. She grins at her reflection, modeling only a black lace bra beneath the mesh top.

"Common, I look hot. Besides, what's the worst that can happen?" Her convincing does nothing to ease Juliette's apprehension, but she knew Fay would ultimately triumph in the end.

They've grown to be best friends over the month Jules has lived in the Peace House. So totally opposite of each other, their personalities are the finishing pieces to each other's complexity. Jules is the stability to Fay's adventuring nature, while Fay sparks a newness within Juliette. They are the light and darkness needed to complement each other's characters.

Juliette is not used to the concept of friendship, having guarded herself away from people her age. Though, somehow Jules knows that Fay is a good friend to have. Not because she would always be there, the thought of that is inconceivable. One person can not always be there. But Jules knows that Fay will fight, as hard as she can, to be by her side when Juliette needs her most.

"Fine. But I am only going for you," Jules relents, huffing a breath. The puff of air blows the loose curls in her eyes away from her forehead.

"Yay!" Fay claps her hands together eagerly. Her eyes rake over Juliette's outfit in an assessing fashion. "Are you going to change?"

Jules glimpses down at her outfit. She is outfitted in a soft pair of leggings and a loose-fitting gray hoodie that falls off her left shoulder, revealing her mother's gold necklace. The hoodie is a few sizes too big, kept from one of her former foster brothers. Frowning at herself, then back up at Fay, she shakes her head.

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