-CHAPTER TWENTY FIVE: Fade to Black, pt 2-

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A/N: please listen to the second part of the Fatalis theme for the duration of this chapter

The fortress was crumbling. The tattered flags that remained were incinerated. The barricades were slowly deteriorating due to the blast.

Wendy had her back turned to protect us, the flames licking hungrily at her scales. I could see her wincing with slight pain.


"I'm okay! I'm okay! I'm just keeping you all safe!"

"But you're clearly in pain!"

"I'm a Kulve Taroth, the Mother Goddess of Gold! I'm immune to fire!"

"But you're not a hundred-percent Kulve Taroth!"

The nova had died down, both Wendy and Cartman unblocked the entrance. The floor was decorated with red hot cracks on the surface. We all jumped around as the ground was burning our feet.

"Aiden? Where's Aiden?" I asked frantically.

"Forget him! He's dead!" Kenny grabbed me by the arm. "He doesn't matter anymore! What matters is that you're safe."

"But I must find him!"

"It's already too late for that Y/N!" Kenny pulled me away. I tried to break free from Kenny's restraints but Butters swooped down and carried me by the shoulders. His wings beat cold wind onto my furry skin.

"Sorry Y/N, but we don't have much time!"

"Much time? What do you mean?"

"If we don't kill Fatalis in time, we'll turn into monsters for real! And I don't wanna live as a Legiana for the rest of my life!"

Butters plopped me down gently and took off for the skies again. Kenny had trotted on all fours to catch up with me.

"As I said, forget about him! We have to focus on Fatalis for now!"

Fatalis roared, it's chest was now glowing a whitish-orange. It reared up on its haunches and tackled Cartman, pinning him to the ground.


Cartman screamed as loud as he could, but nobody wanted to assist him. So he was left with Fatalis cooking him alive with its chest.


I was about to move, but Craig held his arm out in front of me. "Just let him get out of this on his own."

Cartman had struggled with Fatalis, constantly trying to push it off his chest. Cartman finally freed himself when he drove his knuckles into Fatalis' snout.

"Well whaddayaknow, he finally got out of it himself." Craig said sarcastically.

Fatalis turned around, raised its tail up and swept it across the floor, knocking most of us off our feet.

"What the hell are we doing?" Craig shouted. "Fatalis is launching attacks on us, and we're just standing here!"

Wendy charged towards Fatalis and rammed her horns into its head. Fatalis was hardly fazed and knocked her back.

Kyle lunged onto Fatalis' back and began to bite and claw its skin, but Fatalis simply rolled over on its back. Kyle slid underneath Fatalis right when he was about to be crushed.

"Holy crap!" Kyle shook. "It almost flattened me!"

"It's n-no use!" Tweek stuttered. "I b-bit it w-with my teeth and it threw me into a wall!"

[COMPLETE] Written in the Sapphire Star/s | Kenny x Female Reader (SP x MHWI)Where stories live. Discover now