-CHAPTER EIGHT: The Defense of Seliana-

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The sound of someone screaming startled me awake. My door flung open, and a frantic male ran to my bedside and began to shake me violently.

"Wake up, Y/N! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!"

I turned over on my back, rubbing my sleepy eyes. My hazy vision could make out a spiky haired blonde with icy blue eyes, which were wide with fear.

"Tweek?" I mumbled. "Why did you wake me up so late?"

"Velkhana is at the gate! We have to defend Seliana! We have to keep it away from us!" Tweek shouted, his armored body shaking. "Put your armor on and hurry!"

After replying, he dashed out the door and continued to scream and shout in the halls, waking the hunters up.

"Everybody wake up! Velkhana is at the gate! I repeat! Velkhana is AT THE GATE!!!!!!!"

I quickly jumped out of bed, tearing the covers off me. I quickly fitted on my Direwolf armor, got my Longsword, and went out out the door.

Not long after I left my room, I saw Craig guzzle a huge canister of a hot drink while sprinting down the corridor. He carried with him his Charge Blade.

I saw many other of my friends zoom past me, but Stan stuck around for a second.

"Come on, Y/N! Head to the gates! Velkhana is there!" Stan exclaimed, then ran like hell all the way down.

Tweek continued to scream until he got outside. He ran up to a different adult male, standing with his arms crossed watching Seliana's gates.

"The hunters have b-been woken up, Commander!"

"Good work, Tweek!" The Commander faced towards us. "Hunters! Get to your posts now!" The Commander shouted, and all the hunters scattered in all directions.

I was stuck. I didn't know what to do. Everyone else was running around, and I was lost.

"Y/N!" The Commander shouted. "Don't just stand there! Get to your station and get ready!"

The sharp tone in his voice sent chills up my spine. I nodded shakily and ran as fast as I could to the nearest open ballista.

The only open ballista was between Kenny and Stan. Both boys were loading their ballistae with arrows.

I stood by, watching. Standing here, I was stung in the face by the bitter cold. I wondered how half of us hunters weren't phased by it—judging by the revealing armor. To make matters worse, it was snowing.

As I was loading my ballista up, a roar echoed across the hinterlands. The sound was so ominous it made my heart freeze.

"What was that?" Butters, who was next to Stan, froze and stood up tall. The hunters too looked up and around.

"Guys!" Kyle shouted, pointing. "Look over there! By the gate!"

I followed Kyle's pointer, and I saw a lithe dragon looking monster covered in gleaming icicles. It wrapped its slender claws around the barrier and roared, spreading its wings.

A powerful gale blasted across the gates. The blow was so strong I almost lost balance. Many of the hunters stumbled with me too. I saw that Cartman had tumbled over like a barrel.

The snowfall was even heavier than before. It was like a full on whiteout.

"Velkhana is breaching the gate! Get your ballistae ready!"

The dragon, called Velkhana, beat its wings and soared past the border and into Seliana.


All around me many ballistae fired numerous rounds of arrows into Velkhana. One of the arrows lodged itself into the Velkhana's thigh, but it hardly did much damage. The Velkhana roared with annoyance.

"The arrows don't seem to be working!" Kenny shouted, squinting through the blizzard. "It looks like I'll have to go out there and attack it myself!"

"But you'll get frozen!"

"I won't, trust me, I've done this before!" Kenny said, then jumped off his post.

"What did he mean by 'did this before?'"

Kenny landed down into the snowy ground. The Velkhana must've heard him land, because it veered its head around and fixed its gaze on him. The Velkhana roared, did a swift pirouette midair, and unleashed a blast of its icy breath.

"Kenny! Are you fucking nuts? You're gonna get yourself killed out there!"

"I've died plenty of times before, but I always keep coming back!"

Kenny dodged the ice breath and lunged into the Velkhana's ribs, jabbing his blade into its side. He also cut a deep slash into its neck; deep enough to draw blood, but not enough to make it bleed out.

The Velkhana shrieked and tossed Kenny off, flying out of Seliana. The blizzard seemed to have slowed down as it was leaving.

"Velkhana has retreated! We've successfully repelled it!"

Kenny pulled himself out of the snow and climbed back up into the posts. I offered him my hand, which he grabbed and held onto to help him up. His arms were trembling as he rose to his feet. 

"Thank you, Y/N." Kenny smiles at me warmly. My cheeks heated up that instant.

"No problem," I smile back.

The hunters leave their posts and rush back inside the safety and warmth of Seliana. The Commander lingered outside for a little longer just to shout at us.

"Great work hunters! Thanks to you all, Seliana is safe again! Now, go get some well deserved rest for tomorrow!"

[COMPLETE] Written in the Sapphire Star/s | Kenny x Female Reader (SP x MHWI)Where stories live. Discover now