-CHAPTER THREE: First Outing-

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After a wholesome lunch, Kenny and I left the table after tipping the waiter.

"Thank you, hunters!"

"You're very much welcome." Kenny waved. "The food was divine, as always." The Palico mewed happily and clapped its little paws.

"Thanks for lunch, Kenny!"

"No problem!"

I waved goodbye to Kenny after a pleasant lunch and went to sit with the boys. It also seemed like they had just ordered food not that long ago.

Stan had ordered a chicken dish, Kyle got a fish platter, and Cartman was pigging out on a chef's choice platter.

"Hey Y/N!" Stan waved while smiling. "How'd your meeting with Kenny go?"

"Oh, it was okay." I shrugged with a smile. "He got me and himself lunch."

"Ooooooo," Cartman teased. "You sure Kenny's not flirting with you or anything?" He gave me devilish smirk while sipping from his mug.

"I don't think so. I think he was just being nice to me."

"There you are, miss Y/N!"

I jumped and turned around, only to meet face to face with the Admiral from earlier. I gazed up at him with intimidated eyes.

"What is it, Admiral?"

"You've been assigned a task." The Admrial crossed his arms. "You are to take notes on area four of the ancient forest. There's been some odd activity around those parts, so I'll need you to patrol it for today."

"Oh okay." I said. "Do you have a map?"

"Of course!" The Admiral handed me the world map. I surveyed the map.

Upon further observation, this world was completely different than South Park, Colorado. What is Hoarfrost Reach? What are the Coral Highlands? What is Elder's Recess? This is all unfamiliar to me.

"Okay. Area four. Got it!"

"Great! Now get going!"

"Y/N! Before you go," I heard the Handler's voice ring from behind. "You need to get your weapon from your tent. Can't leave without it!" The woman smiled.

I was lead back to my tent by the same trio. I entered my tent and looked for my weapon.

Huh. Don't see it.

"Um," I began. "What is my weapon? What does it look like?"

"Your weapon is the Longsword! It kinda looks like a spear, but not really a spear."

I listened to what the Handler said about my weapon and searched for it. I saw something that resembled the Handler's description.

 I saw something that resembled the Handler's description

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I picked the weapon from my wall. It was inside its sheath, as expected. I nodded and walked out the hut.

"Yay! You found it!" The Handler cheered. "Now you must go to the Ancient Forest!"

[COMPLETE] Written in the Sapphire Star/s | Kenny x Female Reader (SP x MHWI)Where stories live. Discover now