-CHAPTER SIX: The Second Coming-

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After I left the arena, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw it was Stan.


"Hey Y/N," Stan began. "I was wondering, would you like to go hunting with me?"

I processed his request, thinking if I should accept it or not. But then, I also assumed I had nothing better else to do, so why the hell not I guess.

"Uh, sure, I'd like to go hunting with you!"

"Stan! Did you just ask Y/N to go hunting with you?" Kyle trotted from behind. I was confused as to how he was able to hear us from way over there.

"I wanna go hunting with her too!"

"Okay Kyle, you can come with."

The Gathering Hub...

I met up with Stan and Kyle in the Gathering Hub. We were now heading over to the Hub Lass.

"Good afternoon hunters!" The Hub Lass greeted. "Would you like a quest?"

"Well, yeah, that's why we came."

"Yes please."

"Alright." The Hub Lass flipped through her book. "Well, there's an urgent quest for you three." She looked up from her book to Kyle. "And I think one of you guys won't be very pleased to hear it."

"What is it?"

"You will be hunting a Bazelgeuse."

Kyle looked as if someone murdered a box of kittens in front of him. "What?"

"Not just any old Bazelgeuse, a Seething Bazelgeuse," Stan added.

"A Seething Bazelgeuse!"

"This is the only quest we have at this time. Would you like to do a different one tomorrow?"

"But I need the money now—"

"Well then I advise you go on this quest, if your pockets really depend on it." The Hub Lass said.

Kyle mumbled something under his breath. "Oh, alright. I'll do it."

"Look on the bright side, Kyle!" I said, trying to cheer him up. "At least you'll be with friends that will help you!"

"Yeah! And we can have a nice foot bath when we get home!"



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Stan, Kyle and I had now landed in some strange place. This area sprouted tall crystalline structures from the ground up and there was lava flowing.

"What kind of place is this?"

"Elder's Recess." Stan said. "This is where the Seething Bazelgeuse calls home."

What the fuck kind of place is this? This looks more like hell than home. Who or what in the right mind would want to live here?

[COMPLETE] Written in the Sapphire Star/s | Kenny x Female Reader (SP x MHWI)Where stories live. Discover now