Part 2 (Ultron)

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*Years Later*

I sat at the island counter as the elevator dinged, out walking the Earth's "Mightiest Heroes". I continued typing away on my laptop for a second more before I shut it, smiling at the group. Thor came in with a solemn expression, one I wasn't used to seeing when he got to the tower.

"You okay, oh mighty one?" I asked with a slight smirk.

Thor feigned a smile, one I could tell was just for show. "I'm alright, oh brilliant one." He remarked back.

"Mission go okay?" I questioned now, immediately getting up to pour him a drink.

"It was successful." Tony interrupted as he walked towards us. I handed Thor a drink, humming out in response.

Tony took the drink I made for myself, making me roll my eyes. Nonetheless I made another and sat beside Thor. "Something is bothering you."

"Nothing without solution." He said softly in response. "I just need to find it."

I opened my mouth to talk further to Thor, but a certain long, blue, glowing object stole my attention. "Is that..." I trailed off as Thor's eyes met mine.

"The staff, yes." He nearly radiated frustration.

I quickly made him another drink, then called out to the rest of the group. "Anyone else want one?"

They all chimed in, so I got busy making everyone's favorites. It wasn't abnormal for me to play bartender after a mission, so I was used to the treatment.

"Well, my mighty god, I'm sure you'll find the solution you need." I spoke as I poured.

Thor smiled at me, genuinely. "That is encouraging coming from you."

Later on in the night, after many of the group had several drinks, everyone took turns attempting to pick up Thor's hammer.

I paid no mind to it, my thoughts trailing back to my interaction with the man several years prior. As odd as it sounds, it wasn't uncommon for me to think back on that day. From the abnormality that occurred to the weird desire to help a man who was actively destroying my city, the occurrence was nearly a constant thought in my head.

Any time I tried to pry Tony further on the matter, however, I was always told it was 'out of my scope', whatever the hell that meant, and to leave it be.

A sudden sense of anxiety and oncoming doom tore me from my thoughts, and I found myself looking around the room. I was searching, though I was unsure what for in the moment.

"Dani, why don't you take a try?" Thor asked, but his face fell as he looked at me.

"Um, maybe later." I said.

The rest of the team seemingly missed the interaction as they continued their banter, but Thor stood from his seat on the couch and was immediately beside me.

"What's wrong?" He questioned in a whisper, leaning into my ear.

I shook my head, still frantically looking around. "I'm.. Not sure."

Just as the words left my mouth, a loud bang and the screeching of metal took me out of my thoughts.

"Worthy.", a malevolent voice sneered.

The raggedy metal body screeched to a holt as Thor's hand grabbed my shoulder, pulling me behind him.

"Had to kill the other guy." I managed to hear being said as I grabbed Pepper, slowly guiding her behind the bar.

Crashing from all angles forced me to throw Pepper to the ground, covering over her with my own body as metal and glass shattered all around us. In a quick moment I reached out for the glove of one of the suits Tony kept put in a drawer. I shoved it onto my hand and thrusted myself up from behind the bar, shooting down the first robot I saw. After that came another, and then one more.

The rest of the team didn't take long to break down the others, but a battered Ultron still stood at the front of the room.

"There's only one path to peace, the Avengers extinct-" with that I shot an impulse at the being, sending the several different pieces flying into the wall.

"Seems odd to stop and discuss your manifesto while actively trying to kill people. I feel like they all do, though." I mumbled.

"You're alright?" Thor asked as the group went around to assess the damage.

"I'm okay." I said with a slight smile, though in all honesty I was still reeling a bit.

Thor's hand rested on the small of my back, but he dropped it as his body stiffened. He nearly ran to the other room.

"They stole the scepter. We need to get it back."

"First we need to handle Ultron." Nat responded, much to Thor's dismay.

"We need to get the ball rolling th-"

"Not you." Tony remarked, cutting me off.

I could feel Thor's frustration grow, "You messed with things you have no understanding of, and now we need to fix it. All of us."

Tony gritted his teeth at Thor, but I chimed in.

"This is an all hands on deck situation, Tony. Stop playing big brother and start playing for the team."

"Then stop playing reckless little sister." Tony replied, walking away from us.

Thor had a small smile on his face, "It can be hard, you know. Being the big brother."

I rolled my eyes as I grabbed a bottle off the counter, taking a swig of it. "Save me your 'be gentle with Tony' speech, Thor. He's not you, and I'm not your brother."

"You're most certainly not L-" he stopped mid sentence, before a look of complete realization hit his face. "My brother. He knows everything about the stone. Why didn't I think of him sooner?"

"Because he killed 80 people in 2 days while carrying it?" Nat chimed in.

I stopped for a moment, staring at Thor. I had heard a million stories from him about his infamous, somewhat villainous, troublemaker brother.

Thor had vowed many times that he would release his brother from the dungeons when he became king of Asgard, a move I criticized him for considering that same brother had tried to kill him, but Thor always countered the fact that he was his baby brother, he would have paid for his crime by the time Thor was officially coronated. I had never put together that the same man from before was the infamous brother.

"He's adopted." Thor said quickly.

I'm not sure if he was using it as an excuse or because he wanted to distance himself from his brother's actions in my eyes, but it made me laugh.

"How funny, my evil little sibling is also adopted." Tony shared, staring at me as he snatched the bottle out of my hands. "Coincidences."

"You're adopted?" Thor asked, his eyebrows furrowed and his head slightly tilted.

"You think I'm ugly enough to be Tony's biological sister?" I now questioned, glaring at Tony before turning my attention back to Thor.

His grin grew. "I love the way you look."

I raised my eyebrow, feeling a grin on my own face grow.

Thor fumbled as he looked at the raised eyebrows on both Tony and Nat as well, "Not in a creepy way. It's more of a... respectful appreciation for beauty."

"Careful, Thor. She's vain enough without the unnecessary compliments."

I rolled my eyes as Tony scolded him. "Thank you, Thor." I said as I pulled his head down by his ponytail, kissing his cheek.

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