"Namjoon .....let's  get you home " I sighed heavily and supported him from his shoulder

But this 6 ft tall building is not ready to move

"Namjoon don't be stubborn let's get you home its 12am already" I said in a scolding tone

"Babygirl---- I'm sorry " god not with this sorry again

I made him sit in the passenger seat and opened my phone to check the any reply from my brother yoongi

I texted him earlier

[Oppa...Today I have some urgent work soo I'll be late to home ..]

[Okay don't overwork...come early .... ]

"Namjoon keep your finger on your lips and don't you dare speak anything" I looked over to namjoon who was mumbeling somthing

"Y/n....." I loked at him

"I'm sorry " he smiled sheepishly


Author POV

Ding dong
Ding dong
Ding dong

"Holy mother God ---- who is at the door at this time" mr kim woke panting hard after he suddenly heard a doorbell ringing furiously

Mr kim made his way out of his room when his elder son seokjin was also coming out of his room

"Dad..who is it..?"
"I'll take it ...you go back to sleep"


Seokjin went back to his room and mr kim went towards the door

"Who is it.....is it gream reaper ?!" Mr kim thought and gasped

He cautiously approaches the big wooden door

And opened it

"Y/N ?!"

"Good evening sir ....I'm really sorry to knock at your door this late but sir you see mr kim here--"

"Namjoon?" He saw his younger son..his face was buried in your neck and he was hugging you tightly

He was murmuring somthing time to time

"This brat..." mr kim hissed in anger and tried to detach namjoon from your small body

"Nami will not get away from babygirl"

"Namjoon come here " his dad tried again

"No !"

"I'm so so sorry y/n dear but can you please take him to his room upstairs "

To his room upstairs ?!
You jaw dropped

Namjoon weights very heavy according to you

"S-sure sir but can you help me... " you nervously said

With help of mr kim you finally dropped namjoon on his bed

We Met Again ~ KNJ FFWhere stories live. Discover now