"Yay," I say dryly. I hail a taxi for the three of us since the boys were being asses as usual, and I compel him to take us to the forest. 

We walk until we were out of sight of any potential onlookers, and then Klaus made real with his claim that he would make us split up.

"Mor, go in that direction, Stefan, that direction and I'll take that one." We both nod.

"Bye," I say and speed off, on the lookout for any furry friends. It was dark, so I looked up at the moon and if my calculations were correct (they probably weren't) then the moon was probably about an hour past the apex, so we should have loads of wolves running around.

I fucking hated nature at this point. It was hot and sticky, and bugs were everywhere.

I'm pretty sure Stefan was in the northeast region of the forest, Klaus was in the south, and that meant I was walking northwest.

I got super bored, I decided to make a game of hopping from tree to tree, like Edward does in Twilight, but then I discovered that I would be a really bad Edward since I fell most of the time.

"Wolfies! Come here!" I say in a voice most commonly used on small puppies. I whistle with my fingers, and sadly, that worked.

I start to walk back the way I came, but I paused when I heard something.

There was a rustle and a stick snapped, which made my head whip around. "Let's not bite me, hmm?" I say, looking around for whatever was hiding in the shadows. There was a low growl, seconds before a brown wolf jumped on top of me and tried to maul my face off.

Thankfully, it didn't maul my pretty face, but it did nip me right on my hand.

"No biggie," I try to convince myself after I threw the wolf into a tree and sped away, back the way I thought I came, but I was just met with more trees, the foliage seems to get thicker and thicker, but maybe that was just me panicking about the bite. 

I looked down at my hand for the first time, and already it was red, swollen and seemed to have little welts all around it. "Klaus! Stefan!" I shout, trying not to get hysterical. It wasn't death I was afraid of. It was what comes before it if I don't get someone to stake me or I find Klaus and he gives me my blood. "Stefan!" I shout louder. "Klaus?"

I was surprised at the speed the venom took effect since I started to get dizzy. Dizzy enough that I had to sit against a tree.

Maybe I would just close my eyes for a second. Just a second.

I WOKE up and it was light out. Maybe I closed my eyes for more than a second. I pulled out my phone, intending to call one of the boys but there was no service.

I just had to get back to the hotel where I can force Klaus to give me his blood. The only problem was I had no clue where I was or which way the hotel was.

I picked a random direction, using eeny meeny miny moe and started going north. Or south, I wasn't sure what time it was.

I avoided looking at my bite as much as possible since it was literally disgusting. My flesh looked like it had rotted and there were black veins around it pulsating.

I speed in the direction I picked, and kept going until I heard cars, but when I cleared the distance, I saw a highway.


I hitchhiked until someone pulled over, and then I compelled them to take me back to the hotel we were staying at.

"You should probably get that looked at. It looks infected." The man comments.

𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅𝒔 𝑰 𝒄𝒂𝒏'𝒕 𝒔𝒂𝒚 | Elijah Mikaelson [1]Where stories live. Discover now