" What? Our friend is hurting and you hurling insults at him isn't helping."

The blonde bit his tongue, he just grunted as he crossed his arms. Kirishima sighed, he looked over to see his best friends' shocked faces, and he raised his eyebrows.

" What?"

Mina snapped out of it before she pointed at him, " Ok we're going to talk about that later, right now we need to help our tape boi!"

Kirishima nodded, he took a seat next to him and gave him a pat on the back.

" Don't worry dude, maybe this might be your chance."

" But I don't want him to like me because I was there. I want him to like me as someone that makes him happy or even is worth loving."

The others, except for Bakugou, frowned at this confession.

They hate how this situation is eating their friend up. They wished the bi-colored-haired boy would just own up to his feelings and stop leading their friend on.

Denki hummed but then a lightbulb lit up in his head, he smiled at the sad trio.

" Dude, today's Friday!"

Mina and Kirishima stopped looking at Sero to look at their yellow-haired friend with confusion.

" Ok?"

Denki scoffed, " Dude, it's movie night. Maybe we can distract our depressed tape boy over here with some awesome movies!"

Kirishima raised his eyebrow while Mina bounced up, " Oh my gosh! I totally forgot! We have to find a movie."

" Yeah," Denki high-fived her, and the two started talking about the movies while Kirishima shook his head. He looked over to his tape friend who was doodling on his assignment. He frowned, he scooted over towards him.

" Sero, you can't let yourself hurt like this man."

Sero continued doodling as he sighed, " It's not so bad, at least I have him as a friend."

The young red-haired teen gave him a sad look, he opened his mouth to say something when another voice cut him off.

" Hanta!"

The group of teens looked up and Sero's face turned bright red as soon he saw the owner of the voice. His eyes were blessed to witness a sweaty tank top wearing, tight sweatpants wearing Todoroki before his eyes.

It looked like he was just down with training, but to Sero, he looked like a God.

' Holy shit.'

" H-Hey Roki," he quickly stood up, ignoring his friends' disapproving stares. He walked over to the sweaty teen who gave him a small smile.

" I wanted to tell you I finished up the first three volumes of One Punch Man."

Sero smiled, " That's awesome dude."

The bi-colored haired boy's cheek turned a soft pink before he gave him a gentle nod," Yeah and I really like it."

" Wow look at you, I haven't read it in a while."

Todoroki nodded, " It's very interesting and I also need the 7th volume of Banana Fish, I need to know what happens and I have to say Ash went through a lot," the younger teen frowned at the readings he has read about the blonde hair teen from the manga.

" Gotcha, you can come in my room and get it."

" Is...Is it ok we read together," the other slowly asked as he fiddled with his towel around his neck.

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