Chapter 15

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The lovely smell of turkey sausage, eggs and pancakes was the scent that woke Sera up every Saturday morning, since living with June. Sera loved to cook and enjoy good food with others, but June was an old-school woman. No one cooks in June's kitchen but June. Sera felt spoiled by it.

That Saturday morning, Sera had just finished giving Emilia a bath. There wasn't a thing in the world she had on the schedule for that day. They were going to relax, watch some movies and simply be.

That plan held up for about an hour or two into the day, when loud knocking sounded from the front door. Emilia eagerly pointed to the door and ran over to fiddle with the lock while on her tippy-toes.

"Emi, no. You know not to unlock the door." Sera gently grabbed her hand away from the door lock. Emilia, who was now entering her terrible twos, did not like Sera's answer. Emilia tried again for the door lock, forcing Sera to pick her up to get her from opening it.

The knocking on the door continued.

Between the loud knocking and the baby in full blown tantrum, Sera had it. She unlocked the door and swung it open. "What is it that you w-?"

Sera froze.

Elias was leaning against the door frame, dressed in dark jeans and a black hoodie. A thin gold chain around his neck as well. His light eyes traveled between Sera and Emilia. "Aaaand why are you here?"


"Here." He pointed inside. "You know, my mothers house?"

"Well, I-uh, why are YOU here?"

His eyes narrowed. "Cause it's my mothers house."

June came from the hallway when she heard her son's voice. "Elias, sweetheart you're back!" she exclaimed. She was filled with an uncontainable joy.

June ran over and tightly hugged her son, her head barely came up to his chest. Elias hugged her back, with his eyes fixed on Sera. He had no clue what she was doing there and what game she was playing.

"When did you get back?" June asked with tears in her eyes. She knew her son's career was dangerous, so it was always emotional for her to see him. He always made sure to go and visit her house first as soon as missions were closed.

"I flew in last night." He responded flatly. "What's going on though, why is she here?"

"Oh she was just visiting. Just because y'all broke up doesn't mean me and her did." June joked, in a desperate attempt to lighten the mood. Unsuccessful, she turned to Sera. "I think I will give you two a minute to discuss some things."

As June passed by, she put a comforting hand on Sera. They both knew that the secret couldn't go on any longer. "It's time, dear."

When it was just the three of them, Sera put Emilia back on the ground and took a step back so Elias could come in.

When he walked in, he looked around, seeing Emilia's toys scattered on the ground. He looked at Sera. "You live here don't you."

"Yeah...Uh, yeah. We do."

"What is going on?"

"Maybe you should sit."

"Sera." Elias begrudgingly sat down. "I'm already agitated. Just tell me."

Emilia was ever-curious. She walked up to Elias and curiously looked at him. Elias looked back at her, the feelings of impatience and frustration, melting away with each second that went by. He saw a picture of Emilia when he was at Sera and Bryan's apartment months ago, but this was his first time seeing her in-person. The longer he looked at her, the more he saw himself.

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