Chapter 13

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Sera had just woken up on the plane ride. The interior was a lush beige, and the seats were spacious and leather. Her head was throbbing from the adrenal crash. She looked down into her hands and saw Elias's phone that she was still holding on tightly to. She put the phone into her pocket and stood up to find Cerrano.

Just a few ailes down, Cerrano sat cross-legged in a pencil skirt, typing away on her computer. She had flowing dark hair, sun-kissed skin and an award winning smile. When she saw Sera walking her way, she smiled brightly and sat up. "You're awake! How are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling so much better after getting something to eat and sleeping. I never thought airplane food would taste so amazing."

"Oh, definitely. The CIA's charter planes always hook it up!" She motioned for the seat across from her. "Please, have a seat."

Sera sat down and faced Cerrano. Cerrano pulled out a business card and handed it to her. "Were you briefed about my role in this operation?"

Sera shook her head no.

"That's fine. So My name is Leah Cerrano, I work in...let's just say I work in protective services, yeah? You've been placed in this program due to safety concerns voiced by two Agents that you are familiar with. Can you confirm your name, age, and the name of the agents you know?"

"Uh yeah, it's Elias and Preston. My name is Sera White and I'm 26."

"Thank you, sweetheart." She typed on her keyboard. "It's just protocol. I would have asked earlier but you were sleeping...Anywho, there is a house that you will be moved into when we land. From there, you will have the choice to go about your life as you want. It is heavily surveilled so you will be safe there."

Woah, that's... too much." Sera felt overwhelmed from all she heard. "I'm not going anywhere with my daughter."

"Oh, we would never ask that of you, sweetheart." She leaned closer. "I understand that this is a lot, but it was important for our Director that you are somewhere secure. Do you have any family in the area?"

"No, just my daughter."

"Okay, sweetheart. Don't worry. We will make sure you are taken care of. You aren't the first or last person who I have seen through the protection services, and I assure you, it is not as bad as it sounds."

Sera felt uneasy but relaxed a little. She saw the benefit of being moved into a new town with no one she knows other than her baby. She decided that she was going to take that time to work on her life and get things back in order. Sera took a few breaths, "What about Elias? Is he okay?"

Cerrano was typing on her computer but looked up eagerly when she heard his name. "Oh, I can't give out any details in regards to that, babe. He's robust though, it takes a lot to bring him down... How do you know each other?"

"That's a long story." Sera laughed lightly. "There's a lot of history there."

"What's the nature of your relationship?"


"Oh yeah? Lucky you, sister. There's a wait list of girls at the agency who would like some history there." Cerrano winked.

"I'm sure plenty of them do."

"You'd be surprised."

"Do you know when I might be able to speak to him?"

"I can't say, I don't know where he's at right now. I can send a message up to the Director and it will flow back down to him. Director Bodia knows all of the whereabouts for his team."

Sera smiled at Cerrano and slightly turned her body to face the chair that was in front of her. She wanted Elias to know about Emilia, but not through Cerrano.

A few hours later, the plane landed on the runway. Cerrano escorted Sera out front to a car that was awaiting her. Before going to the new home she would be living in, they made a mandatory stop at Emilia's grandmother's house.

She rang the doorbell a few times, anxious to see her baby. The door swung open and June looked at her wide-eyed. "Oh, Sera, you look awful! Come inside!"

Sera walked into the house and closed the door behind her. "Where is Emilia?"

"She's napping." June put her hands on her hips, "What happened to you? You are a mess."

Sera sat down on the nearest chair and closed her eyes. "You wouldn't even begin to believe the things I have gone through in the past few days."

"Let me hear it."

And that is just exactly what she did. Sera recounted everything that had happened from beginning to end, in the drama-filled past few days. Sera even told the details of her seeing Elias again for the first time since the break up.

June sat on the edge of her seat. "Did you...tell him?"

"No, but gosh, I really wanted to."

"You know, Sera... From the time you told me you were expecting, I gave you my word that I would not say anything to Elias. I promised secrecy because I know how you felt. My, I probably would have done the same thing when I was pregnant with Elias, the only reason I didn't was because he was there when I found out! It's not easy to be an agency wife, talkless of mom...I'm not going to lie to you, sweetheart, this secret is getting a little too heavy for me to carry."

"I know, I know...I know I have to tell him." Sera pushed the thoughts out of her head. "Anyways, they want to take us to some new house under some protection program or something."

"What? No. Just stay here with me. You know there is nothing I love more than being with my grandbaby."

"I can't do that to you."

"But I'm asking you to. There are three bedrooms here, a little old woman doesn't need all that space. Please, you know I've always wanted a daughter. Plus, you know how many cameras Elias's father have around this place? Sweetheart, this house is more secure than the pentagon."

Sera smiled at June, "Are you sure?"

"Of course! I can help out with Emy while you start up that online shop you always wanted to."

"As long as you're sure." Sera and June embrace. She was always so grateful for the unconditional love that Elias's mother showed her. Though June was pained to keep such a big secret from her only son, she understood Sera's reasoning and secretly would pray to God every night for reconciliation between the two.

After the hug, Sera went back outside to explain the situation to Cerrano. Sera did not dare explain that it was Elias's mother, she simply stated that she was declining the protection program at that time. 

She was willing to take her chances.

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