Chapter 14

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Four Months had gone by since Italy and Sera was finally getting the hang of her new life. She had just logged off the computer, after another day of working remotely at her new job as a patient service representative.

The second Sera logged off her computer, she made a bee-line to the living room where Emilia played and danced around the living room. June was sitting on the couch, reading a book. Sera swooped Emilia up into her arms and showered her chunk cheeks with kisses.

The months had been a healing experience for Sera. She was able to focus on work, her baby and simply taking in each day for what it was.

That night, after eating a tasty dinner courtesy of June. Sera decided to take Emilia to the park nearby to enjoy the last of the cool fall evenings, before it turned to a cold and frigid winter. Sera searched around the drawers and closet in her bedroom to find a thicker coat for Emilia.

"I know it's here somewhere." She thought to herself as she continued searching. Sera opened the last drawer and froze in her tracks. Surely enough, there was a neatly folded, pink coat, but right next to it was a slim black phone.

It was Elias's. From her last time seeing him.

Sera sat on the edge of the bed, gently picking the phone up. Holding it there in her hands, all the memories of Italy flooded back to the fore-front of her mind. She hated to admit it, but even holding his phone in her hands made her heart jump. She wanted to see him. She wanted to hear his voice.

But, she was also scared.

In a moment of boldness, Sera connected the dead phone to the charging port and set it on the nightstand.

Sera then grabbed Emilia's jacket and left the room before her mind became fixated on the phone.

It was going to have to be a problem for another day.

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