THE END- Writers Closing Message

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You've made it to the end! ❤️

I hope you enjoyed this story. It's a quick read with a plot that moves through fairly fast. The characters are complex. I think I often see stories of very black and white character development. All the characters have intense good but a heavy hand of bad traits. I wanted this to be a little different. Here are some of the takeaways I had with the main character development.

Bryan, insecure and in many ways abusive. He made for a horrible partner but his insecurities kept him faithful, willing to carry on with Sera who clearly did not love him. I considered making his character even more dislikable but I wanted him some polarization.

Sera, oh sweet Sera. Mama needed therapy. She strung Bryan along though she couldn't stand him because that was at least better than being alone. She was extremely insecure, an opportunist and it caused her to make poor decisions. Deep down, she was a hurt little girl who needed love, tenderness and affection after a dark past in the system. She really did love Elias, the relationship problems they had were internal. Near the end of the book, as she and Elias began working on co-parenting, she began to do better. She was trying to get a higher paying job and save up for own place, finally our girl was ready to stand on her own!

Big Daddy Elias....He was the true hero of this story. Was he mean? Sure. A little aggressive, definitely. However he consistently protected, loved and showed compassion for people he trusted (notice his tone change between his family/friends and people he explicitly disliked)  . He was so in love with Sera that he was readily available to forgive and course-correct for her. Elias was a brick of a man, taking whatever life gave him and adapting. From his violent/dangerous job, his emotionally cold father who was also his boss, ex-girlfriend who literally ghosted him and his own mother who was more loyal to Sera than she was to him. Despite often being villainized, he had the most growth and development.

June, sigh. She was loving, kind, and loyal. But was her loyalty misdirected? What do y'all think?

Emilia, 10/10 would recommend, friendly, cute, Daddy's girl. She does no wrong in my eyes even if she is beefing with her mom over Elias's attention 🤣

What are your thoughts? Let me know what you think! I tried to give a happy ending, cause some of yall chewed me out over the ending in my other book AYAD 🤣 LOL. What did you think about the characters? Do you agree with my breakdown of them, disagree? I'd love to hear it.

And as always, THANK YOU for reading. Every read, comment, and vote helps this incredibly fun hobby come more and more to life. You're the best.

With so much love,


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