Chapter 20

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1 Year Later


"Hey baby girl—what the? Sera! What is all this?" Elias yelled from the front door. He had just gotten home from work, while in the middle of picking up Emilia he noticed the stacks of boxes piled up by the door.

June's jaw dropped. "Elias! That is no way to come home and greet your woman!"

"That's how he likes to do, I'm used to it." Sera chuckled and shrugged.

Elias rounded the corner, "Ma? I didn't know you would be over."

"I had to come check up on my daughter in law, to make sure you are treating her right." June smiled, walking over to give Elias a kiss on his cheek. "How was work today, honey?"

"I'm fine." He put Emilia back on the ground, causing her to immediately whine to be picked back up by him again, he picked her back up. "What do you mean you are checking in on Sera's treatment? I treat her great."

"So why did you come in hollering like that?"

"Cause there are boxes everywhere! I didn't know if she had a shopping spree or if we had been robbed." He pointed at Sera. "But now that I think of it, you have a history, I think I know which one it is."

"It's for the candles! I have some orders I need to ship out, it got a little...crazy. Just a little" Sera smiled over at him. "Your mom is right though, you still shouldn't come home hollering my name like that."

He tilted his head. "Ma, you see what you caused for me? I come home to this woman every night, hugs, kisses, compliments, and now because of you I'm being lectured."

"Aht aht, you fussed with me last night when you got home."

"And what did we do immediately after?" Elias winked, causing Sera to blush and his mom to grimace.

"TMI. I digress." June waved a hand in surrender, she turned to Sera and gave her a hug. "I will see you sometime this week, take care of yourself and that baby."

"Thank you, mama. Call us when you get back home."

"Of course, sweetheart. Goodnight." June kissed Emilia and then made her way out.

Elias walked her out, moments later coming back in and plopping down on the couch next to Sera. He leaned over and gave her a big kiss. Sera cuddled up next to him, "How was work?"


"Anything exciting?" Sera prodded, though she knew he wouldn't say.

"Nope. Nice try though." He gave her another kiss before beginning to unbutton his dress shirt after a long day. "You feeling fine?"

"I'm okay, I guess. Just really, really tired and a little more crampy than usual. I can't be on my feet for long before I have to sit back down."

"What do you want to eat?"

"No, it's okay. I can still make dinner."

"Baby, you just said that you can't stand for long. We will order in. Just relax, for now." Elias urged, coaxing her to lay her head back on him.

Suddenly there was a banging on the front door.

Emilia jolted, pointing at the door. "That's SO loud!"

"Go sit next to your mom." Elias calmly yet firmly said. He got up and made his way to the door, as he did it, he flipped the switch on his safety that was still hidden under his shirt.

"Who is it?" Sera called out.

"Just stay over there, I don't know." Elias opened the door, to find no one there. He waited a few moments and looked around to no avail. Walking back into the house, he locked the doors and went on his way to check the camera. Before he could even make it up the 4th step, the knocks continued. He shook his head, took his gun completely out of the strap and walked back. "I guess it's going to be one of those days."

Running AwayTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon