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Silence swallowed the room as everyone of the guys looked at the two of us as if we had just gone crazy.

"S-so you are telling me he is the father... The one who hurt you?" Jin asked with shock still evident in his system.

After my conversation with Yoongi we both decided to tell everyone about the fact that Yoongi was was Yoonjin's father.

We told Yoonjin first who seemed to be very happy about that fact. He couldn't stop jumping around and that night only agreed to go to sleep if his father tucked him in.

At the moment we were telling Yoongi's band members the news. It was funny to see their reactions especially Jin oppa since he seemed so close to killing Yoongi.

"Ya oppa, the same one who led me to almost getting killed by your car that night." I answered and couldn't help but to giggle at the way he turned his head to a stunned Yoongi.

Yoongi turned to look at me as if I had just stabbed him in the back.

"Min Yoongi, I taught you better than to treat women like this especially the mother of your child." Jin oppa spoke in a dangerously low tone which made Yoongi stand up quickly from his chair.

"Hyung we didn't even know each other back then." He defended but saw that he was not getting any where with this by the look on the older man's face.

"That does not excuse you you brat! Now come here so I can kill you!" Oppa said but before he got the chance to do anything Yoongi began running for his life.

"I WILL CATCH YOU MIN YOONGI!"  Jin yelled as he chased the other leaving the rest of us to laugh at their cat and mouse game.


"You didn't need to walk me to my door... But thank you again for driving me back home." My last statement came out as a whisper as I notice how close he had gotten to to me.

"You know it's my pleasure since I always want to be near you." He whispered back taking another step toward me.

I stepped back before placing a hand on his chest to push him back but he used it against me as he pulled me toward him with my hand.

"Yoongi sto-" my sentence was cut off as he crushed his lips into mine.

It took a few seconds for me to get over my initial shock before kissing him back. I couldn't help myself as my sense were clouded by the passion.

But when I did come back from the rush I pushed him back before slapping him.

"You can't just do that!" I exclaimed angrily but it did not seem to phase him.

"Yes I can because you are mine... I am sorry I kissed you without your permission and I am sorry for what I am going to do when I am done talk but I promise to make it up to you for the rest of my life." He said before pulling into another kiss.

I'm sorry that this was rushed and probably won't make any sense but I really just didn't want to drag this book on anymore. I just want to finish most of the books that I have published before the new year. Some of them I have just lost my motivation for them but I will finish them. I will try to improve them in the future though...

I hope you have enjoyed this book and I thank you all so much for your support...


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