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I walked hours upon hours not knowing where to go. I could not go back to my house because I knew Yoongi would probably be there and I did not want to see him ever again.

My best option would be to go to a hotel but I had no money on me meaning that I had no where to go.

I still could not believe what happend in the span of twenty-four hours. I lost my family and my fiance. All I had left was my baby.

As if luck was against me it began raining and there were no near by shelters to cover me. My tears flowed even more as I began getting socked. My whole life was falling apart within a span of jus one day.

My thoughts were suddenly cut off as I heard a loud honk. When I looked up a car was speeding toward me. It felt like my whole body froze as I stared at the lights coming toward me.

As the car drew nearer I closed my eyes finally accepting that today would be my last. As I stood there I waited to feel pain but it never came. When I opened my eyes I saw that the car had stopped not even an inch away from me.

"ARE YOU OUT IF YOU FREAKING MIND?!" The voice that belonged to the driver roared even louder than the rain as he stepped out the car.

He marched toward me not even caring that he was getting socked as well.

"HOW COULD YOU STAND LIKE THAT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD? DO YOU WANT TO DIE!?" He continued yelling as if there were no tomorrow.

As for me I could not find any words leaving my mouth because firstly I was in awe at how gorgeous the man infront of me was and secondly I was scared to anger him even more that he already was.

"Say something woman!" He commanded but it felt like my lips were sealed shut.

In the background I noticed another man getting out of the car. Again I was starstruck at how handsome he was too. He was taller than the first one though. Luckily the rain had calmed down so I could see him better.

"Jinnie leave her alone. She must be having a tough day and you are just making it worse." The second guy spoke softly as he reached our spot and it seemed to calm this Jinnie down just a little bit.

"No one should try killing themselves just because of one bad day and just look at her, she is so young."

"I was not trying to kill myself." I whispered and received a hard glare from the male in front of me.


"Jin hyung you really need to stop yelling at this poor woman. She just made a mistake." The tall guys said and place a hand on the other ones's shoulder.

"I'm really sorry for causing you so much trouble. I just had a really bad day." I said before turning around to walk away but my wrist was pulled back making me stop. I looked at the one holding my wrist  in confusion.

"What is it?" I asked and tried to free my wrist but he did not seem like he was going to let go of me anytime soon.

"It is going to start raining again soon. Do you need a ride?" He asked finally seeming to have calmed down and only then did I realize that the rain had finally stopped.

"No but thank you for the offer." I sent him a small smile and finally managed to make him let go of me.

"Please just accept we can drop you off where ever you want to go. I would feel really bad leaving you here while it's about to rain." He insisted which made me confused why he was being so nice to me.

I mean not even five minutes ago he was yelling at me and now he was offering me a ride. Unpleasant thoughts then started swarming my head. What if they wanted to kidnap and kill me? I then gasped and stepped  away from him.

"I am not going to kidnap you." He said seeming to have read my mind.

"How would I know you won't. That's probably the first thing kidnappers say before kidnapping someone." I fired back and took even more steps further away as I saw him stepping closer.

"Aish. We are not kidnappers okay. We are just trying to be nice but if you don't want then it's fine. I mean how could such a beautiful face like mine belong to a kidnapper." He mumbled the last words and went back to the car seeming frustrated.

"We could tell you our names if that makes you feel better." The taller on who I even forgot about spoke.

"What good would that do me. You could just kidnap and kill me later." I rolled my eyes which seemed to annoy him.

"Lady for goodness sake we are not going to kidnap you. But if you want to stay here in the dark then good luck." He said and also went back to the car. I thought about their offer a bit before jogging to their car before the started it.

"Just know that you will be kidnapping and killing a pregnant woman if you are kidnappers. And you will be greatly punished for your actions so be warned." I said trying to scare them and just hoped they were not kidnappers.

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