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When I looked up I felt my heart skip a beat. Even though I could only see his eyes I immediately knew who it was.

"Y/N?..." He called my name and I could hear the shock rich in his voice.

"Yo..." I stuttered in shock still not believing that he was actually infront of me.

"MAMA!" The little boy snapped both of us out of our trance and only then did I notice he was holding my child.

"MY BABY!" I yelled and brought my son into my arms.

I kissed all over his face as a huge weight was now lifted off my shoulders. My baby was not lost. I continued smothering my baby with love until I felt a smack on the back of my head. I then realised that I had forgotten about the man who was standing next to me.

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOU?! WHY DIDN'T YOU CALL?!" He yelled before hitting my arm repeatedly.

"Aish Oppa... Stop." I said and moved back to avoid his hits.

"Y/N I missed you so much." He said before pulling me into a tight hug but made sure not to crush little man who was between us.

" I missed you too Jin Oppa." I replied as I hugged him back. I could feel the tears rolling down my cheeks.

When we finally pulled back he took his mask off and kissed my forehead. I melted at the touch as I missed it so much.

"I really missed you so much Oppa." I said while enjoying the moment.

"So did I baby buy why did you stop communicating with us when you got to the States. Do you know how Joon and I were so worried about you. We even went there to search for you but did not know where to start." He asked and I head his voice even crack a little.

"I'm sorry Oppa. When I got there I lost my phone and I could not remember your phone numbers. Everything was so difficult without yours and Joon oppa's support but I had to work hard for this little man. I just hoped that's one day I would find you and now I finally found you." I said happily as I looked at him.

"I'm glad we are back together because now that I have you back I am never letting you go again. You are going to be tied to me whether you like it or not." He joked which made me giggle a little.

"I understand Oppa. Speaking of which where is Joonie. I would really like to see him. I missed him so much as well." I responded as my voice turned a bit sad at the end

"Oh he is with our members. He wanted to get a few more hours of practice even though it's our day off." He explained and I smiled a bit.

I remember before I left how Namjoon Oppa used to be a workaholic. I guess nothing has changed there. I then heard a gasp which made me turn to Jinnie who looked like he was about to pass out at any moment now.

"Is he the baby?" He asked as if he had not just been with my son for hours but none the less I just nodded my head.

"Oh my gosh. No wonder he looked so familiar. He is so cute. My heart might just met from how adorable he is. Gimme... Gimme." He said before snatching my sleeping baby out of my arms.

I glare at him as I saw my little Yoonjin startled by his action but luckily my little man was not the type to cry when his sleep was interrupted. He just put his head on Jin oppa's  shoulder before going back to sleep. Sometimes it did scare me how quickly he got comfortable around new people. It's like I never taught him about stranger danger.

"Anyway what is his name?" He asked as he finally managed to calm down after seeing the sleeping baby.

"His name is Park Yoonjin." I responded and prepared myself for what was about to come.

"So you named him after me. That's so sweet of you. I can't wait to rub this in Namjoon's face. I always told him that you loved me more. But who wouldn't love me when I have such a handsome face. I'm sure this little boy will grow up to look just like me. So handsome." He bragged on making me mentally roll my eyes.

Oppa I did not name him after you. I also don't love you more than Joon. I love you both the same." I tried to explain but I could see that my words were just going in one ear to come out the other.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night Y/N buy we both know the truth." He said and gently patted little man's back.

Just as I was about to respond I head heard someone tell my name. When I turned around I saw Dee running toward us like a mad woman.

When she finally reached us, she did not take a minute to breath as she collapsed into my arms and cried her heart out.

"I'm so sorry. I looked for him everywhere but I still can't find him. Please forgive me for losing little man." She cried out and I realised that she had probably not noticed him in oppa's arms.

"Dee it's okay. H-" I tried to explain but she cut me off.

"No it's not. I lost your baby. You should be trying to rip my head off right now not telling me it's okay." She stuttered and then tensed up as if I was about to do something to her.

"Listen Dee. I fou-" I started but once again she cut me off.

"Just do it. I can't live without him either. End my suffering please." A real drama drama queen ain't she.

"Dee I found him." I said in one go not wanting her to interrupt me again.

"You did?" She asked as she looked up into my eyes.

"Yes... Well technically Oppa found him but what matters is that my little boy is safe. But from now on I am not hiring anymore of your babysitters. They are a hazard to my child. So  I will just take him to work with me." I explained but soon realised that she was not even paying attention to me.

She was staring intensely at the man standing next me and he stared back. I could see a small smirk playing on his lips.

"Y-you are J-Jin from B-BTS." She stuttered as she managed to break away from her trance.

That's right sweetheart." He answered smugly and winked at her.

Before I could even realise what was happening I had a passed out Delila in my arms.

This was going to be a long day.

My perfect familyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن