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My eyes widened in shock as I saw the people I hadn't seen in years. The last time I saw them was just horrible and the memories couldn't help but to resurface in my mind.

"Why are they here?" I asked blankly as my eyes moved doves from Yoongi to his parents.

"Y/N dad really wanted to see you and I couldn't say no." Yoongi explained but it did not make anything better.

"I give you the chance to come and see my son but this is the stunt you pull. Last time I put my trust in you. Please just leave now." I said as I move to close the door but it was blocked by a shoe.

"Y/N, honey please give me a chance to talk to you." My father pleaded and I realised that he was the one blocking the door from closing.

"I'm sorry but I really have to want or need to talk to you. Please just leave." I said and tried to close the door again but he pushed harder from the other side.

Just I was about to say something else I heard a voice that instantly stopped me from pushing the door any further.

"Mama is that Yoonie!" My son's voice boomed through the room and I saw him a few feet away from me looking at the slightly opened door.

"No, it's n-" I was cut off by him opening the door as he seemed not to believe.

"YOONIE!" He exclaimed as he saw his 'favourite person.'

I just sighed before letting them in. Yoongi picked up my child before he walked in while his parents quietly followed.

Yoonjin without wasting time immediately directed Yoongi to his room so that they could play which meant that I was left with his parents. Instantly an awkward atmosphere developed in the room and I couldn't help but to feel very uncomfortable.

I offered them drinks to which the both declined politely. Another silence followed but this time I was my fs
A- I mean Yoongi's father who broke it.

"Y/N-ah please hear me out. I did mean what I said all those y-" he began but I cut him off.

"Mr Min I am not interested in having this conversation with you and I would like to politely request that that you never bring it up again. I have moved on with my life and I think that you should do the same." I said and I could see how his eyes drastically saddened.

"But Y/-"

"If you will please excuse me, I am going to check on my son." I said before I stood up and walked away.

I got to my son's door but as I went to open the door I heard that they were talking about me.

"Yoonie why doesn't my mama like you?" I heard my son ask which kind of caught me off guard and I think Yoongi as well since there was a bit of a silence that followed.

I can't believe my son noticed this.

"Ah... It's not that she doesn't like me. You see I kind of hurt your mommy a very long time ago and now she doesn't want to be my friend anymore." He answered and felt relieved that he did not tell Yoonjin the actual truth.

"So why don't you say sowwy to mama? She aways fowgives me if I say sowwy for being bad." Yoonjin said and I couldn't help but to melt at his little advice.

"It not as easy as you think it is kid. But thank anyway for that." Yoongi said and I could assume that he ruffled my son's hair.

After a few minutes of silence I thought they were done with their secret talk so I began to walk away but stopped when I heard Yoongi say something else.

"Hey ah Yoonjin. Can I ask why you like me so much? Form what I heard you are shy and never take too well with strangers." Yoongi asked and I couldn't help but to feel more curious too.

I also wanted to ask Yoonjin about this but it was never really the eight moment to do so.

"You name is like mine and you also look like me!" I heard Yoonjin exclaim.

I felt my heart slightly drop at his answer. I never thought that my son would realise these things but he did. He was way smarter than I though he was.

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