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I walked through the park hoping that no one who see through my disguise. It had been so long since I had an off day and I just wanted to enjoy it without anyone bothering me.

It's funny that I wanted some peace but here I was in the middle of a festival. Who would have thought I would be here on my day off.

I walked around enjoying all the different sights of the festival. Everything was so colourful and bright.

Not far along I felt a tug on the bottom of my coat and when I looked down I saw a little boy.

I looked around and saw that he was the only one there.

"Hey there... Where are your Mommy and daddy?" I asked as I kneeled down infront of him.

"Lost mama." Was all he said as he looked at me blankly.

I could help but to think that he looked familiar as I stated at him. I just couldn't put a finger on it.

"Where was the last time you saw mama?" I asked as I picked him up.

"In car." He asked again without showing any emotions.

"Ok... Um I'll help you and if you see your mama anywhere just let me know okay." I told him and he just nodded.


Hours went by and we had still not found the little boy's mother. I was beginning to worry that maybe we would not find her today.

Maybe I should have told the security?

"Hey are you hungry?" I asked and again he nodded without any words.

"Okay let go get food and hopefully we can still find your Mommy before the end of the day." I answered and went to a near by cafe since all the food stall had ran out of food. How funny?


Oh gosh, Y/N was going to kill me. Not even an hour into her appearance had the baby sitter lost little man.

What kind of manager was I if I could not find a proper babysitter.

"How did you lose him!?" I whisper yelled as I felt tears begin to pool in my eyes.

"Ma'am, I just turned away for a second and he was gone. I am so sorry. You don't need to pay me." She responded making me angrier than I was before.

"YOU REALLY THINK THAT I CARE ABOUT YOUR PAY RIGHT NOW WHEN YOONJIN HAS GONE MISSING!" I yelled wanting to slap her until she was seeing stars.

"Just pray that we find him before his mother find out or I am going to kill you before she kills me." I told her before I started looking for the little boy.

There were so many people here, how the hell was I going to find him and what if someone took him?

That thought made me shiver as I could imagine what Y/N was going to do to me.


Hours had gone by and the little boy was still no where to be seen. The people I had also sent out to look for him had not found him

'Yoonjin where are you?'

I asked myself as I let the tears fall. Y/N was going to be heartbroken if we did not find her baby.

A ringing snapped me out of my thoughts. When I looked at my phone I saw Y/N's contact on the screen.

What the hell was I going to tell her?

I hesitated before answering. My heart was pounding as I heard her soft voice from the other side.

"Hey Dee, where are you? The bodyguards took me to where we were supposed to meet but you were not there?" She asked and I suddenly felt my blood run cold.

"Uh Y/N I have s-something to tell you." I stuttered.

"Dee what's wrong? Did something happen? Are you okay?" She asked with concern full in her voice.

"Um... Yes I'm okay but something happened to Y-Yoonjin." I spoke hesitantly and immediately felt her anger from the phone.

"Delila, Don't you dear play with me. Where is my baby?" She asked and I could feel the heat of her voice on my eye through the phone.

"The babysitter lost him!" I spat out and waited for her reaction.

I could hear the phone go silent before I heard what sounded like crying.

"Y/-" I started but she cut me off.

"Delila I swear I will kill you if anything happens to my child. You told me that she was a good babysitter and here she lost my baby. Pray that we find him soon or all hell will break lose. I'm not kidding around this time Dee." She responded a I felt my heart stop at the way she said my name.

Before I could say anything she hung up and I just looked at the black phone screen.


Half an hour later and I had still went by. My heart was clenching as I thought about all the worst scenarios that could have happened to my son.

My phone was ringing nonstop but everytime I answered it was just a disappointment. Dee and all the others had yet to find my son.

Throughout this search as well I had cried my eyes out. I could not imagine a life without my baby.

My thoughts were thrown off as my body collided with someone else.

"Oh gosh I am so sorry." A man's voice rang through my ears.

When I looked up I felt my heart skip a beat.


Aish this chapter is crap...😥 But anyway I hope you still like it.


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