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The phone rang and I could feel my heart begin pounding when it was finally answered.

"Hello?" The voice on the other side responded.

"Yoongi, can we meet today?" I asked and I heard a faint gasp on the like.

"Uh...yes...W-what time do you want to meet and where?" He asked softly.

"At that café we used to meet at, at around twelve." I responded.

"Ok." He said and before anything more could be said I hung up.


My nerves were going crazy as I thought about this meet. I had thought about what Mrs Min had said and would have been really unfair of me if I took away Yoonjin from Yoongi after they had just met.

The more I thought about it the more I saw that the way he reacted was actually reasonable. I also shouldn't have just left that night in the heat of the moment. I should have waited until things calmed down and then had a civil conversation with everyone.

"Y/N..." I flinched as I heard my name being called.

When I looked up I saw Yoongi staring down at me. I was so lost in thought that I didn't even realise that he was already here.

"You don't need to stand." He said as he saw that u was about to stand up and greet him.

I just nodded before making myself comfortable while he sat across from me.

"Uh hey..." I greeted but couldn't help but to cringe at how awkward it came out.

"Hey, how are you?" He asked just as awkward.

"I'm good, what about you?"

"Good too." After his response a deafening silence fell between us making me feel very uncomfortable.

"So I want-"

"What did y-"

We both started but stopped when we realised that the other was also talking.

"You go ahead." Yoongi said as I silently nodded.

"I just wanted to say that I won't seperate you and Yoonjin. It wouldn't be fair to my baby if I separated him from his father just because of happened those years ago. Things might not working between but we will have to make it work for him because he is worth it." I explained I saw his eyes widen a bit.

"D-do you really mean it b-but... But what about you leaving?" He stuttered.

"Yes. I've decided to just move here. Though I still have to talk with my company first I'm sure that everything will go well. This move is for my baby and he is the only thing that matters to me and I will do everything for his happiness." I responded and looked down for a few seconds before looking back up at him.

I could see that he was doing his best not to not smile but he was failing miserably.

"Thank you so much for this Y/N. I know I probably don't deserve this. You letting me be in his life is amazing." He said and I could see tears beginning to form in his eyes.

"You don't need to thank me Yoongi. You are his father and you just as much rights to be with him as I do." I replied before giving him a small smile.

"No I really do need to thank you. Thank you for keeping him and raising him into such an amazing little boy. I know it was probably really difficult to do all of these things when you were all alone..." He passed wiping off the tears that managed to slip down his cheeks.

"If you don't mind me asking, what changed your mind about this? The last time you seemed so determined to leave Korea." He asked and I couldn't help but to chuckle a bit.

"You mother actually came to talk you me." I answered and saw how the shock took over his features.

"My what?" He asked and I couldn't help but to giggle at his sudden state.

"Yeah your mom. She asked me to let you help raise Yoonjin. She reasoned with my about my decisions. She really opened my eyes so if you want to thank someone then thank her. She is the reason that this is happening." I answered.

"Well, I'll make sure to thank her the next time I see her." He said before a comfortable silence fell between us.

I was happy that we were at least able to sort things out.

"Uh Y/N?" Yoongi called out and I immediately looked up at him.


"I-I wanted to ask if there is a c-chance that you and I could...um... you know... get back together? Even after all these years I still l-love you." He asked and I felt shock take over my system.

I looked at him with widened eyes. I couldn't believe that he still wanted to be with me.

Yoongi... I-I am flattered but I don't think that will ever be possible after what happened. I've kind of developed some trust issues and I don't see myself being with anyone for a long time. Maybe in the far future... I don't know honestly." I answered truthfully and saw how a sad look took over his features.

"Oh..." Was all he said.


"It's alright Y/N you don't need to say anything else but know that from this day I will do everything I can to make you fall for me again and forgive me."

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