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The doctor's rushed in and got us out of the room while they tried to save my mom but I knew it was useless. As much as I wanted to have a bit of hope all the logic told me it was pointless.

I could only cry more as the doctor finally came out and told us that there was nothing more that they could do. Everyone else in the room just stood there in shock as they tried to process everything that had happened and what they had learnt.

This was all like a huge nightmare. My mother had just died and I found out that after thinking that my ex fiancee was my brother he actually wasn't. We were separated for no reason.


A few days had gone by since my mother's death. Today was her funeral. Since that day I had not talked to either Yoongi or his parents. I just didn't want to see them if I was being honest.

Jinnie, Joonie and Dee were my rocks during this time. They were there through my break downs. Even my little baby did his best to cheer me up and I couldn't have been more thankful.

Only a few people had come to see my mother off since she only had few close people. I couldn't blame the others though since my mom was not exactly the nicest person.

After thanking all the people for coming the ceremony began. A lot of tears were shed though it was mostly from me.

It really did hit me hard. I still couldn't believe it.


"Y/N, it's time to home." Dee said breaking me out of my thoughts.

Today was a really hard day and all I wanted to do now was to get home a take very long nap.

"Where is Yoonjin?" I asked her since I had last seen him with her.

She didn't say anything as she just pointed into the direction of the Min family and that's when noticed my son in Yoongi's arms.

"I can go get him if you'd like." She offered but I wordlessly shook my head before walking toward them.

"Excuse me it time for us to go so can you please give me my child?" I asked. I did not intend for it to come out rudely.

I reached out my arms and Yoonjin happily jumped into them. I kissed his temple before preparing to leave.

"Y/N ,can we please come to visit him from time to time?" Mrs Min asked which stopped me from walking away.

"I don't think that's a good idea." I responded.

"Y/N please... We want to try and build a relationship with our grandson." My fa- I mean Mr Min said giving me a pleading look.

"I'm really not in the mood to talk about this. My mother just passed and I am trying to mourn in peace.  I wasn't going to say this since it's none of your business but once the  filming of the music's video is done, my son and I will be leaving Korea. So I don't want him to form relationships that will break his heart when we leave." I said and before anyone could say anything else Dee came over offering to take Yoonjin with her to to the car.

She probably saw how tense we were. I stayed behind because I wanted to end this all here.

"Y/N you can just do that. I would also like to form a bond with my son now that I know him." This time it was Yoongi who spoke and I couldn't help but to scoff at his words.

"Your son? Just because I let you play with my child does not make him your son Yoongi. You knew about his existence all these years but never tried to find him and form a bond with him. I know this whole thing was a mess but you could have at lease tried." I replied looking at him dead in the eye.

"Y/N you can just do this to Yoongi. You know he had his reason. And all of this was your mother's fault. If only she had told us the truth before then we wouldn't be in this mess. Don't make Yoongi pay for something that isn't his fault." He mother said as she stepped up to defend him.

"I know that this was all my mother's fault and I am not denying it but it was him who agreed with the idea of the abortion. If I had gone along with it then there wouldn't be a child that he is calling his son now. Everyone of us has a part in this and all I want is to protect my son ..." I paused.

"And that is what I am doing...Now please excuse me." I added before walking without waiting for them to say anything more.

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