Part 10: Irene

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Is it true? Can't believe she forgive you so easily. She is so dumb bro.

Jimin said and started laughing along with Taehyung. He gave Taehyung a playful punch. Taehyung also playfully hit him. The both bestfriend's (Yeah they're bestfriend) were laughing together.

(You are confused right? For clear your confusion imma tell you what actually happened,
Remember when Jimin gave Kai the making Jennie fell  bet. Yeah Jimin didn't give the bet by himself. It was his bestfriend Taehyung who told him to do. Taehyung was always jealous of Kai ever since childhood. Because Kai always had more fan girls and fame then him. So he made a this ugly plan to make Kai sad. He just want to see Kai broken.)

Yeah I swear she is so dumb and useless.

Taehyung added.


Chanyeol Chen Sehun lay Kyungsoo Kai and Xiumin were sitting together. Sehun was fighting with Kai for a toy. O ma god this kids. Baekhyun was sleeping peacefully when Suho came home. He went outside for some groceries. But he came home looking flustered. So Xiumin asked ,

What happened Suho ? You seem to be flustered about something.

Kyungsoo said and Suho looked at him hopelessly.

Hyung actually ac- ahh how can I explain?

Suho said while being tired.

Ok ok first sit here and take rest then tell us the matter.

Chen said and Suho sit on the sofa along with others.

Hyung actually..... Jennie....She-

Suho was about to say but Kai immediately speak loudly,

Jennie? What happened to her? Is she okey? Hyung please tell us.

Kai said.

Yeah Kai stop being hyped Suho is telling us right. Suho you continue.

Kyungsoo said while everyone looked at Suho as Suho started to speak.

Jennie give change to Taehyung to be her friend after Taehyung did that. I mean how could she easily melt in Taehyung's lies.

Suho finished his sentence.

That Taehyung! can't he live us alone in peace.

Chanyeol added.

I think In this situation we should focus on Jennie not Taehyung. I mean it took her so long to finally forget her past now again the same pain.

Kyungsoo said as everyone agreed.

But how did you got to know Suho hyung about this? None of us knew it.

Sehun asked when everyone's attention went to Suho while Suho became shy.

Actually Irene told me this. She live near Jennie's house. So that time she was also at the park.

Suho said shyly.

Irene noona? Your girlfriend?

Chanyeol asked when everyone's (except Chanyeol and Suho) eyes went wide.

Yeah Chanyeol didn't i told you not to tell anyone?

Suho scolded Chanyeol.

Oops sorry.

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