A Bears Sweet Love for Honey(Bear Faunus X RWBY)

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Requested by Puppet198463

Atlas is the most advanced kingdom in all of Remnant however underneath it all Faunus are being mistreated and experimented on for DNA harvesting. James Ironwood is hoping to create Faunus super soldiers. One group of soon-to-be friends were tested on by Ironwood one had been injected with the DNA of a rabbit for increased leg strength and running ability. Another was injected with pig DNA for an increased sense of smell to detect gas and other chemicals while also having an increased appetite and being able to eat bones. Another person who didn't seem as sociable had donkey DNA injected into him to be strong enough to carry heavy loads while also having incredible memory for remembering roads and maps. The last who was called Y/n was injected with a rare but unstable combo of two different species of bear DNA in hopes of making him more berserk and dangerous but all it did was make him strong but also have golden fur and somewhat of a goofball which was a side effect the scientists didn't account for. Ironwood wanted to make sure that they followed his orders to the letter so he had special chips designed to make them go berserk at any time they wouldn't do as they were told that was until Dr Christopher Robin was about to save them. Until Ironwood got wise to Dr Robin's plans he sent his soldiers to stop him but as they were about to enter the lab an explosion rocked the building. Dr Robin shot the soldiers with a dart gun he kept on him at all times with a small dose of sleeping medicine. As he ushered Y/n and the others to a bullhead for transport he was shot by Ironwood in the arm that's when he set another bomb to explode but with more power to destroy his research or so he thought. After escaping the lab Dr Robin brought Y/n and his friends to Beacon Academy where they would be cared for by Glynda Goodwitch and Professor Ozpin they were a little hesitant at first but Y/n sniffed Glynda which made her a little nervous but he then smiled and said it was ok to Eyeore Piglet and Rabbit. Y/n then asked if they had any honey cause he was hungry to which made Glynda giggle as she held his hand and brought them to a dorm room to which it was soundproof so but had sounds of nature so they could relax at night. And so our tale of love, understanding, trust and love of all things honey begins

Y/n: Good Morning Miss Glynda how are you today?

Glynda: Oh Good morning Y/n I'm good thank you for asking have you been settling in ok?

Y/n: Yes I slept like a log but it was a little cramped as everyone would prefer to sleep in their own room.

Glynda: I know but it's only temporary plus it is for your safety, so please wait a little longer okay. Professor Ozpin should be announcing the amphitheatre so make sure to be on time. 

Y/n: Alright Miss Glynda Ill get everyone ready to go.

Glynda smiled but noticed Y/n was a little nervous so when no one was looking she gave him a jar of honey to help calm him down to which he smiled and hugged her gently.

Y/n: Oh sweet honey my favorite snack!

Glynda: Now now we don't want you looking all sticky Mr Pooh Bear

Y/n smiled and put it away as he hugged Glynda one more time before he went back to his dorm room where his friends are staying.

Piglet: Pooh? What were you and Miss Glynda talking about?

Y/n: We are to go to the amphitheatre where Professor Ozpin will introduce us. Rabbit are our uniforms ready?

Rabbit: Yes I'm just sewing up yours right now.

Eyeore: What's the point everyone is gonna pick on us because of our Faunus traits...

Y/n: Eyeore buddy I know what happened to us was scary but we have to be strong after all we just need to look for the bear necessities.

Rwby Oneshot (Male Reader X Various RWBY Girls) CompletedDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora