The Last Dragon Faunus(Raven Branwen X Faunus Male Reader)

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Life in Remnant wasn't always peaceful there have been times of war, death, and grief and in such times the humans and Faunus tried working together to defeat the creatures of Grimm. Among the Faunus was a group known as the Rathalian Clan and leading this group of Dragon Faunus was Y/n Rathalian. For you see Dragon Faunus are among the oldest and wisest of Faunus groups but also the most stubborn and prideful they only helped those in need if they got something valuable in return be it a weapon, dust crystals, and other items. But the Rathalian Clan sought to change that image of the Dragon Faunus by helping those less fortunate in need and those who opposed the White Fang. After fighting for what seemed like hundreds of years Y/n decided to travel the world in search of a mate his travels lead him to a raven-haired woman with a tribe of bandits he was in awe of her power, leadership, and most of all her beauty her name was Raven Branwen but with every beauty comes secrets and so this is where our story begins.

Raven was patrolling just outside the border of her camp to make sure it was safe before moving on to the next location. But just as she was heading back she noticed some noises coming from some bushes as she got closer she hears the roaring of Grimm and the grunting of a person.

???: Why won't you Grimm just FUCK OFF!!! BEFORE I SMASH YOU TO PIECES!!

The Grimm he was facing were Ursai a Deathstalker and Nevermore three deadly beasts with unmatched strength, speed, and ferocity he is a seasoned warrior but his pride would be his downfall.

Raven: ENOUGH!!

Raven then swooped in slicing the Grimm with ease then she noticed that the Grimm were fighting a Faunus she went to look closer

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Raven then swooped in slicing the Grimm with ease then she noticed that the Grimm were fighting a Faunus she went to look closer. As she got closer she noticed his scales and the crest on his armor was of the Rathalian Clan and that he was of the fabled Dragon Faunus.

???: A human what are you doing out here ma'am?

Raven: Do I look like a ma'am to you I'm not that old?!!!! I'm only in my 30s!!!

???: Ok Ok take it easy sheesh look thanks for the help but I had them on the ropes.

Raven: Really? you are covered head to toe in scratches you sure this isn't your first Grimm hunt? I didn't get your name.

Y/n: My name is Y/n Rathalian former leader of the Rathalian clan and possibly the last dragon Faunus of Remnant.

Raven: I see I always thought your kind were a myth but here you are standing before me now you better have a good reason for being out here so close to my camp *notices he's injured* look I don't normally let strangers into our camp but our healer could check your wounds this is a one time offer so you better make your choice...

Y/n: Alright but I didn't catch your name.

Raven: My name is Raven Branwen of the Branwen Tribe we are a group of nomads moving from one place to another raiding and robbing those that aren't honorable. We may be bandits but we have our codes of honor I'm sure a warrior such as yourself can respect that.

Rwby Oneshot (Male Reader X Various RWBY Girls) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now