The Closure

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After celebrating his promotion with his friend he got into the office and called Nicole on the desk phone and he heard a familiar voice " Hello Richard good afternoon what can I do for you on this beautiful sunny afternoon she asked him with joy .

~~~~~~~~~~~''''~~~~~~~~~~~''''~~"I was wondering if we can have lunch this afternoon if you are available"Richie asked her.

" sure Richard I'm available for lunch what time in the afternoon she asked him quietly.

" How about 1:00 pm if it's alright with you he responded to her.

Nicole " Sure alright I will meet you at Denny's restaurant this afternoon Richard I will be wearing a pink dress with a flap on the collar with pink roses.

"That's sounds good I will be there exactly one pm"

"Alright I'll be there in the flesh with all my glory and praise she said to him.

So Richard hung up and continued with his work to finish on time for his lunch date to the most important thing in his life.

Nicole is not sure if she wants to face him after nineteenth years , she's still can't forget that day on October thirty first nineteenth ninety eight at a Halloween party throw from her best friend she caught Richard in a compromise position with a cheer leader on the bed, enjoying his sexual fling inside of her panting out of breath and sweating with the queen bee captain of the cheerleading squad.

"Richard! What the hell you are doing with this girl! are you insensitive to break my heart.

"Why are doing this me ! Why are cheating on me with this slut! She said to him with so much anger.

"How dare you! Insult me with your words! Do you know who I am ! You poor girl Gina said it in front of Richard.

"Sure I know you are you boyfriend snatcher! I know everything about you girl.

"You are daughter of the senator of Chicago and the head cheerleader of our high school.

"Richard was my boyfriend and with your charms you turn him against me without remose.

"As for you Richard I don't ever want to see you again! It's over between us do you understand you cheater I gave you my heart and soul and you can just break it into pieces, how could you we been together for so long we were planning on getting married right after college.

"And you broke your promise with this fool ! Nicole said it with a lacy tone and slap him on the face with so much force.

" Nicole I'm so sorry please it was the devil! I still love you please forgive me my love! Richard replied with tears in his eyes and his voice cracked with so much emotion.

"Haha! Forgive you never it won't happen you broke my heart into pieces with so much pain and heartbreak I can't forgive for this I'm leaving stiay away from me I don't need you.

Her lips started to quiver and she ran out of the room with tears running down her face as a baby.

Nicole! Nicole ! Wait up don't leave I can explain please! Richard called her with regrets for breaking her heart.

Nicole heard him calling her but she kept running without looking back and she ran far, far away from him until his voice went faint without going back to the man that broke her soul.

Richard keep chasing her and calling her from behind panting out of breath and sweating but it was too late she was gone out of his life forever and he will always regret for cheating on the love of his life forever.

" Nicole I'm sorry I love you" he fell on his knees and started crying like a baby with tears in his eyes flowing like a river on the pavement in the middle of the night.

Nicole shook off those painful memories in her mind and got up to meet Richard for lunch as she promised.

While getting ready her firend and colleague of four years came to her office and asked her " where are you going at this hour " .

Nicole told her " I'm going to have lunch with Richard in a soft whisper.

" Are you sure you want to do this because you told me he broke your heart for cheating on you with a woman while you were in college " Sara said.

" Yes he did but I have to find out why he did it so I can give him a second chance to hear his side of the story, Nicole replied.

" I understand if you need me just give me a call so I can punch him in the nose for hurting you deeply once again.

Nicole laughed and gave Sara a big hug and said " okay mommy" and Sara smiled at her.

" Good luck with Richard my friend and she squeezed her hand gently with so much love and care.

" Thanks for your encouragement and the two women hugged and Nicole left with her pocketbook and got into her blue thunder bird and headed to the restaurant to see Richard and talk to him about that night on Halloween nineteenth ninety eight to clean the air once and for all.

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