Chapter Five.

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During the evening Nicole was getting ready to have dinner with Richie after taking a shower and putting on her makeup. Did she get a call from her mother?

Nicole answered and said good evening Mom how are you? She asks her and her mother says I'm fine honey? And you ask her and Nicole says ''I'm also fine by God's blessings" she tells her mother through video chat and her mother asks her why are you so dressed up? She asked her daughter and she said, 'I'm getting ready for my date.' She told her mother and her mother was so happy and asked who he was? She asks her and Nicole says don't you remember Richard, my former boyfriend from high school? And her mother, how is that wonderful Young Man? How is he? She asks and Nicole says that's the one I'm waiting for. He came back to Chicago from New York three weeks ago. We started seeing each other once again when he returned she told her mother and her mother said that good!

I didn't know that he came back to Chicago!

I'm speechless she says to her daughter and Nicole says yes he came back just three weeks and we started hanging out and catching up on what we have left after we separated Nicole says to her mother and Mom says that's good to know.

Anywhere I called to see how you were doing! If everything is fine at the hospital and in your love life she asked her? And Nicole says I'm fine everything is going well so far so good she tells her mother in a soft tone.

Then her mother says okay honey I will let you go back to get dressed for your date and please be careful always use condoms when you two become inmates and Nicole says I will mom I promise? And the mother says alright, I love you sweetheart her mother says and Nicole says I love you too mommy! She says to her mother and they both hang up the video call and Nicole continues to get ready for Her date with Richard.

After putting on her makeup she put on a beautiful red dress with roses on the side and put on her red pumps and headed downstairs to wait for Richard in the living room.

Nicole was all set when she heard the doorbell. She got up from the seat and headed to the door and when she opened it she was a mere smile by the suit Richard wore. He looked handsome and sweet.

"Wow! Richie, who looks so handsome" Nicole said to him.

"Richie says you look beautiful Nicky! He tells her by her nickname.

"Thank you very much," she tells him with a smile.

"Are you ready for dinner? Did he ask her?"

" I'm ready, let's go so we won't be late?" Nicky says

So both of them left her house, got into the car, and went to Chef Tony's steakhouse in downtown Chicago.

Finally, they arrived at the restaurant and Richard parked the car in the parking lot and got out to open the door for Nicole, lock the door and wrap a protective arm around her waist. They both entered the restaurant's lobby and saw the hostesses and said we have dinner reservations.

The hostess says let me check the computer she says and asks him his name?
And he said his name is Richard park and I have dinner reservations for two he says to the hostess, and she says yes your name is in the computer sir? Please follow me and they followed her and she showed them their table and they both sat down at their table.

Sir and Madam, can I give you anything? She asked them.

Richard says maybe a glass of wine will be fine, he told the hostess and winked at Nicole.

So the hostess left to get them a bottle of white wine.

"This place is beautiful!" She says to him!

"Yes, it is beautiful he replies to her"

"I heard this place is very expensive!" She told him in an excited tone.

"Yes, people say it is the best restaurant in downtown Chicago, so I told them I will give this place a try for a chance!" He told Nicole.

Nicole replied and said it's beautiful, especially the view of the Chicago River she told him with so much excitement!

Richie replied yes it is! Isn't it perfect! He told Nicole and she said yes! It is beautiful, she replied.

Nicole and Richard kept talking, when the waitress came with two menus and gave them to them saying,
"good evening I'm Priscilla your waitress what can I get for you)" she asked

"I will have the steak with potatoes and gravy he told the waitress and you madam?" Richie replied

"I will have the chicken breast with vegetables" Nicole told the waitress

"and for dessert," she asked them

"I will have the fruit salad and you Richie, what would you take?" Nicole replied,

"Yes, I will also have the fruit salad as well," Richard replied to the waitress.

"Coming right up," she said, leaving with their orders.

Nicole and Richard were waiting for their food.

"Thank you Richard for inviting me to dinner. I appreciate it." she broke the silence

"you are welcome and I want to thank you too for coming with me," Richard told with love in his eyes

"You are very welcome," Nicole replied.

He went across the table and kissed her on the cheek and the customers said aww! so sweet and they both laughed.

After a few minutes, the waitress came with their food

"steak with potatoes and gravy for you sir, and the chicken breast with vegetables for the lady"

Both thanked the waitress.

"you are welcome, Please enjoy your meal! I will come back with your cheque later"

"okay no problem"


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