Sorry, sir, I'm just doing my job -W.M

Start from the beginning

She also realized that car is perfect for this part of the city. Nobody wants it so they won't want to steal it. This way she doesn't have to risk a break-in. Perfect plan.

One of the downsides of the warehouse is that is very quiet, she can hear everything that happens outside. And while at first the gunshots or yelling she heard were concerning, she grew to ignore them. If someone gets inside while she is also there, she doesn't really have much to offer them. Barely a few bucks she carries with them for emergencies, or situations where she needs to give the money. She also has a fake id and a flip phone that is more turned off than it's turned on. 

Sometimes the quietness gets a little too much, but she can't risk putting speakers up, at least until she finds a better warehouse. But that means making more things with clay and selling them. Which means more hours in this warehouse. 

So as a way to deal with that, she has gotten into the habit of humming whatever song got stuck in her head that morning. 

With the last stretch of her arms, she took the already prepared and weighed piece of clay. Wedged it some more to make sure it doesn't have any air bubbles left and took it to the wheel for her to get started on the other vase. 

She sat down with a grunt and got ready for a few painful more hours. 

This time she started humming the Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day since it was playing while she was driving here in the morning, at it managed to get stuck in her head.

She centered the clay and started making the vase shape once again. This time the vase was a bit different than the previous one.

A loud bang from the outside was heard but she focused on her work. If it's not involving her, she knows to stay out of it. 

Soon enough though, one of the warehouse doors came crashing down and a bunch of armed people got inside.

"Raise your hands! Now!" Said one of the men.

Emma quickly followed the commands and lifted her dirty hands in the air while the wheel continued to spin with the now a bit deformed vase. 

When Emma raised her head she saw what was a weird sight. The Avengers were all in front of them, all pointing their own piece of weapon at them, ready to fight if she were to move. 

"Where is it?" The man she recognizes as Tony Stark, asks while hovering in the air. One of his hands raised to shoot just in case. 

"Where is what?" Emma replied confused. What are they talking about? 

Her nose chose the worst moment to start twitching. She needed to scratch it so badly but knew she would most likely get killed if she were to move. 

"Don't act dumb. Where is it?!" Tony asked once again.

"I'm sorry sir. But I have no idea what you are talking about. I'm just a potter." Emma responded, her arms still in the air. 

She took a look at the vase on the wheel and cringed when she saw that it deformed a whole lot more since it continued to spin and the gravity pulled all the weight down. She knew she will have to take it back from the start.

At the explanation, some of the Avengers seemed to lower their weapons down, but still paying close attention to her in case she decided to do a sudden move.

"Just a potter?" Natasha Romanoff, THE Black Widow, asked Emma and she had to try to remain calm.

"Yes. I mean, look around." Emma suggested. "Can I please lower my hands? This is embarrassing now." She let out a small laugh, her cheeks red.

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