7 | who turned out the lights?

Start from the beginning

"That's alright. Once I forgot to feed my kid." a guy with some interesting teeth tried to comfort Violet.

"Yeah, and then your son died, Mick." a different ghost reminded him.

"Yeah well we all make mistakes, mate," he responded bitterly. Violet was shocked at the casualness of the discussion.

"Anyways, what brings you down here..."

"Oh sorry, my name is Violet, hi!"

"Right, well what brings you down here Violet?"

"Yeah no one ever comes down to visit!"

"Ah well the lights aren't working so I came down here to fix them. Alison told me how so yeah..." Violet explained, but looked unsurely around the room.

"Oh well forget Alison! We know exactly how to help!"

"Yeah! All you need to do is... Oh, there's nothing wrong with the fuse box..."

"Let me see Walter, you could be wro-"

"Not you Nigel, you definitely won't know."

"Guys I'm sorry but you just please tell me if  there's anything wrong or not?" Violet asked exasperatedly. In the normal way she wasn't scared of the dark, but she still felt the symptoms reeling from the nightmare she had and was not enjoying the idea one bit that she'd either have to stay with the plague ghosts for the emergency light or leave the room basement to go back into the darkness.

"Well all the switches are the same way, there's nothing wrong with them." a female voice rang out.

"Oh well done!"

"That was clever of you!"

"Go you!"

"Oh guys stop it! I think I'm blushing! Oh nope, just a boil."

Violet shuddered.
"Thanks, I guess, guys. Maybe I'll see you again soon." she said as she left, she couldn't deal with the collective mood swings any longer.

"Wait maybe you could-"

Violet turned off the light as she quickly marched up the stairs.

"-leave the light on."

The plague ghosts sighed.


When Violet made it back up the stairs, she shuffled along with her back against the wall and slid down it. She didn't know if she could deal with this any longer.

"Who turned out da lights?" a voice suddenly said into her ears.

Violet screamed.

"Can you die quietly? I'm trying to get my beauty sleep!" Julian's voice yelled down the stairs.

Violet looked to her left to see Robin grinning manically.

"Hehehe I did good." he praised himself seeing her reaction.

"No you did not do good! Don't tell me this was you as well Robin?!? With the lights?" Violet angrily said, her anxiousness turning into rage.

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