~ Chapter 20

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I never thought i would feel the way I do right now. I feel so defeated and helpless. I never wanted to give up myself to him. I never wanted to feel like so weak. I broke down all my walls for him, but he decided to cheat on me.

"You need to stop drinking, Carol," his voice echoed in the room.


I looked at her as she gulped on her drink. She stood up and looked my way. Her eyes were evident of tears. She tried walking towards me but stumbled on her feet. I tried walking to her but she stopped me.

"You think you can walk in here and tell me what to do, huh?"

"Carol, I still care about you. I love you."

"Shut the fuck up. You don't love me. How did it feel huh?" she chuckled as she held her glass in her hand." how did it feel fucking her?" her eyes pierced into mine as she found her balance.

"You need to stop drinking." i said walking to her. She threw the glass in her hand at me which landed on the wall. It shattered into pieces. She went back to the bar and got another glass.

"Why did you fucken do it Blake?" her voice was deep and hoarse. She was hurt, deeply.

Her eyes were pouring continuously as she looked at me "why did you do it? was I not good enough for you? did I not meet your expectations huh? tell me dammit." she threw the glass again. I duck the glass and looked at her.

She was now on the floor crying.

"You are perfect baby. Im sorry Carol. I didn't mean to hurt you the way I did. I love you and I mean it." she cried and attempted to get on her feet. She fell and sat there silently. She stopped crying but she definitely still hated me. I walked to her slowly then held her in my arms.

"I hate what you did but I can't help but love you" she said beneath her voice.

Her words sunk in slowly as she laid on my chest. I've never seen her so fragile and weak. She released soft sighs as she drifted into sleep.


I woke up the next morning with a splitting headache. I sat up holding my head with my hand. I looked under the covers and realized I was naked. I looked at the door which opened revealing Blake holding a glass of water and painkillers.

"I'm sure you have a headache he said" he smiled and sat beside me "here." He gave me the glass and watched as i drank the pills. He took the glass then placed it on the side lamp.

"What are you doing here and why am I naked" I said looking at him.

"You fell asleep in my arms last night. Don't worry nothing happened between us." he said standing up. I only remember a few scenes from last night, I had really fucked up.

"I'm sorry Carol" he said holding onto my hand. "Im really sorry." he let go off my hand and made his way out of my room. I sat there and for the first time i felt nothing. absolutely nothing. I stood up and freshened up and made my way out of the hotel. I definitely needed the fresh air.

Its a new week and i definitely deserve to move on. I really want to forgive and forget everything but everytime I close my eyes I just think about it. I won't lie and say it doesn't hurt cause danm it really hurts but i have to move on.

I walked to my car. As i was about to enter the car my phone rang in my bag. I took it out and checked the caller ID. I realized it was Blake.

"Hey before you hang up, can we go out for dinner tonight." My heart warmed at the effort he was putting into fixing us. We are not perfect human being so definitely there is nothing called perfect relationship.

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