Toothiana's visit

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"I swear whenever I'm gone somewhere without you, there's always bad things happened to you." Liam muttered in complaint, stroking your hair as you're laying comfortably on his lap. You chuckled at his remark, an apologetic smile shown on your face.

"I promised I'll be careful next time." You mumbled softly to Liam, you both sat in silence. You looked up at him, "Hey love?" You called out to Liam, he looks away from his phone and hummed, gesturing you that he's listening. You dart your eyes at Liam's door, "Is...Miranda okay? I haven't seen her yet and I'm worried."

He scoffed, "Miranda is fine, she even cancelled the role for you cause she felt bad." He explained, you let out a relief. "Well, I'm glad she's alright." You said happily, he raised his eyebrow, "You always put everyone before you, I'm not saying it's wrong, it's seemed to be the kind of person to sacrifice your life for your friends." He said pinching your face.

You whined at the pain, pulling his hand away with yours. You recalled the his words as you smile, "You're right. I did tried it once a few years back, it was when that accident happened." Liam frowned at you, the hand he used to pinch your face with, is now caressing your cheek. "Yeah, you told me that before. You have good friends bun'." Liam said, smiling softly.

You hummed in delight, smiling like a idiot. "I love it when you call me that, makes me feel fuzzy inside." You chirped as you snuggle into Liam's palm, he hummed in interest. "Hm? You like that, don't you?" He cooed in a tone that you were not expecting for him to do at this exact moment, your body froze in response. You sat up from his lap and point your finger at Liam, "Ayo, save that tone in the bedroom." You warned him in a joking way.

(Horny incoming💦)

Liam lets out a laugh, but then leans closer to you. "But we are on my bed, aren't we?" He asked as he stares you down with a look or the look, your eyes glance at the bed you both are currently sitting on. You nervously look back to him, "I uh, I guess you're right..." you mumbled.

You quickly broke the intense eye contact from Liam, eyes wandered around his dorm as you tried to make an excuse. "Well would you look at the time, I think I should go and get my check up about my injury-" you said quickly as you make your way to the door, but was quickly blocked by a gust of black smoke. You watched as Liam appeared from the smoke and walks towards you, "Bun', you did your check up four days ago."

"I was there with you, plus the nurse said your wound had recovered to the point where you can walk with no pain."

You laugh nervously, feeling a wall against your back as Liam corners you. You tensed up as he puts both his hands beside your neck(since height is a problem), "And you don't need anymore check ups, says the nurse." Liam adds in as he leans closer, he smiles softly at your reddened face. "God, is it hot in here or is it just me? I think it's just-" you muttered to yourself, even though Liam can hear you clearly by how close he is to your face.

Your words was quickly cut off when Liam slammed his lips against yours, your eyes widened but soon closed up with enjoyment. You felt Liam's hand slowly reach to your neck as he pulls you closer to deepen the kiss. Your hands went down as they landed on Liam's waist, massaging it back and forth with your thumbs. It was a heated make out sessions between these two monsters, one of them is quite glad the door of Liam's room is locked.

You both parted your lips as you breathed heavily with a blush formed on your cheekbones, Liam teasingly licked his lips as he look seductive in front of you. You let out a hum at the sight, reaching your hand to take off his glasses before hanging them onto your shirt. Liam parts his lips as a response, his yellow eyes darted up to you. It's his turn to have a tomato face, 'Oh how the tables have turned.'

𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐄𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐜𝐞Where stories live. Discover now