A night at the Auditorium

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Author here,I'm very glad there's people actually read this books! I thought there's going to be 0 views cause monster prom was years ago.But I guess I was wrong, but maybe is also because they're making a comeback with monster camp and monster road trip. I wrote this to let you know that I'm grateful and I have you enjoys this chapter!
"So this is the second place you would go besides the library?" You walked side by side with Liam down the hallway.

He shrugs,"It's not really a choice for me to do. I go there because I was assigned a role for the stage play, even if I extremely disagree to have the attention of the school."

"What's your role for the stage play anyway? If you don't mind me asking." You look at him, "I had the 'hero' role, that's the worst part. Heroes get the most attention, they're the main protagonist, they have to do the most to satisfy the audience." Liam complains to you.

You looked at him confused,"Mate, you're one of the charismatic classmates they're trying to woo over, they will listen to you if you disagree no? They would look for someone else to replace your role, wouldn't they?"

By the time you have your conversation with Liam, both of you were standing at the door of the backstage. Liam hates to admit it, but he loves the attention he has from the audience, but he doesn't want to show it, it's too cliché.

"I'm...flattered, but it's Miranda we're talking about, there's no way she would replace me with some unexperienced monster to do it." Liam said as he went for the doorknob.

When he opens the door, both of you were confused, there was a portal behind the door. You looked at Liam as you were about to ask if this portal was here before, a light blue skin, blue haired...prince? walks out of the portal.

"Hello there, loves! It is I, the Interdimensional prince, is here to persue your heart in order to fool you into marriage!" the Interdimensional prince announced to Liam, he could be talking to you as well but who cares, you're here for the vampire, not a love-thirsted prince.

But all of a sudden, a bucket full of water drops down and splashed onto the prince head, he quickly took off the bucket as he look at his now wet uniform. "Ugh, my uniform! Who could have done this in front of my confession for my future lover-", a brick, just a single brick falls down and hit the prince in the head.

Which cause the prince to be knocked out, cold.  A minute pass by, you both were staring at the unconscious prince until you straightens up as you can hear footsteps coming your way. Liam, who's still confused by the prince sudden confession, saw your ear twitched a couple of times as you straightened you back. "So, what's wrong? Did you heard something?" Your head hesitantly nods, you're not sure if it's danger or not.

"The sound is coming from the inside the room, but I'm not sure if the sound is coming from the portal or behind the portal." You said, your instinct tells you to reach your back for your boomerangs. 'Shit, I forgot I left them at the warren.'  You put your hands in defence mode as your ears folded back. "Liam, can monsters bring weapons to this school?"

You asked him, which cause he to look at you, concerned by your behaviour but still acts calm. "I guess you can, there's monsters who fights with weapons at school sometimes." That's great to know, you'll remind yourself to bring your boomerangs next time. The sound of footsteps is getting closer and closer. You realises the sound of footsteps has stopped, you then heard a faintly yet familiar 'damnit' at the other side of the room.

An interaction between two monsters (took place at the cafeteria earlier)
Two monsters were seen sitting down at a lunch table, while sharing some 'tea', "Did you heard about the new student?" 
"Yeah, I heard he's an Australian Easter bunny!""Really? I didn't know that!"
"I talked to him earlier when we're done with the ceremony, later that I saw him interacting with Liam in the library! The vampire barely interact with newbies!"
"What, that's so cool! I never thought about Liam talking to a newbie, ever! He must be very special!"

𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐄𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐜𝐞Where stories live. Discover now