"Family" outing

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(The exam is finally over and I can continue making chapters now!)

"You know...I didn't really sign up for this." Liam whispered to you in the van, looking out of the van's window to the scenery of the beach. Tbh, so do you. You were supposed to hang out in the forest with Liam and your son-in-law, but so happened to bump into Zoe while walking to class.

Zoe was in awe with your new form even though she already knew about it, but insist that you all can go to the beach to "increase the bonding between all". In reality, she just wanted to see the reactions of people(Liam) faces when it comes to you wearing only swimming trunks. "Oh hush, it's going to be fine. I mean you don't exactly burn in the sunlight right?"

Zoe said, hitting Liam's shoulder playfully. He looks at her blankly, furrowing his eyebrows as he does so. "Zoe...Liam is a vampire, he technically can burn in the sunlight." You said towards her with your hand on Liam's shoulder. "Weeelll, I think this specific Liam can survive the sunlight." She says, waving her hand like a teacher explaining things.

"Plus, we're already here. So no, take backs." Zoe opened the van door and hopped out after saying that, Liam groaned in respond. You smiled gently at him, caressing his back. "We can go home if you'd like, we don't want to be grumpy at a beach do we?" Liam rested his shoulders, he thinks about it before shaking his head. "I'll be fine, a sun hat could help though." You nodded your head before hopping out of the car.

You rummage through the trunk of the van and spotted a sun hat which could be his. You went back to the backseat and passed it to Liam, "Is this alright?" You asked him as Liam tries it on, he hummed. "A perfect fit, thank you Aster." Liam gave you a small smile, scooting over to the front of the opened door, where you are standing. You gave him a small peck on his neck, whispering "you're welcome."

You both walked side by side, with a recycling bag in one of Liam's hand. Sadly, Dimitri wasn't a fan of the idea of standing under the sunlight since he's a (ironic) vampire, so you two would be alone without your son. Zoe waved you over, holding a bag of something."Jeez, what took you two so looong. Now come one! The seats won't be waiting for us!" She whined like a kid, pulling your arm towards the entrance of the beach.

You chuckled as Liam walks quicker to catch up to Zoe's speed walking. He gets a hold on your hand before letting out a breath, "I'm not quite fond with the term "running"." He complained, you rolled your eyes. "You can take a rest when we're there okay? You don't have to rush your cute ass." You said, whispering at the last part. Liam looks at you, offended yet flustered at the same time. Zoe looks back at the both of you, raising a eyebrow. "Whaaaaat? What happened?"

She asked stopping dead on her tracks, wanting the answer. You laugh as Liam covers his face with the hilt of the sun hat, you shook your head. "Oh it's nothing really." You answered her, Zoe looks away grumpily, dragging you again. You smiled gently at her expression, "I promised to buy you ice cream alright, no need to be grumpy."

Zoe turned her head at you with stars in her eyes, "REALLY!? You have to buy me the cursed SpongeBob ice cream!" She said, shaking your arm like crazy. You grinned as you nodded, again, she pulls you again with a bit more rush than before. Liam basically gave up on trying to get beside you, "I'LL BE HERE WAITING." He raised his tone as the two figure slowly went out of his sight.

He huffed, pulling out his phone to go on MomentGram again. Liam's phone buzzed for a minute, 'A message from Zoe?' He questioned as he clicked into the chat,

Zoe: Yo Liam, since you don't want any ice cream. Why don't you go ahead and change into your summer outfit eh?

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